Embracing the Divine Feminine in Business: Balance, Growth, and Holistic Success | Priscilla Bernstein

Episode 9 October 07, 2024 01:29:12
Embracing the Divine Feminine in Business: Balance, Growth, and Holistic Success | Priscilla Bernstein
The Intuitive Femme Network
Embracing the Divine Feminine in Business: Balance, Growth, and Holistic Success | Priscilla Bernstein

Oct 07 2024 | 01:29:12


Show Notes

Welcome to The Intuitive Femme Network Podcast Episode 9 with Nancy Cooper with special guest Priscilla Bernstein.

In this video, I explore how embracing the divine feminine can transform your business and personal life. We dive into the balance of masculine and feminine energies, overcoming burnout, and the importance of structure for sustainable success. You'll learn the value of investing in yourself, mentorship, and taking a holistic approach to business. We also discuss how to navigate visibility challenges, stay consistent and authentic, and truly understand your worth. From grounding yourself to embracing personal power, this video offers practical and energetic strategies to create lasting success and growth in your business.

Key Topics Covered:

✦ Embracing the Divine Feminine in Business

✦ The Balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

✦ Overcoming Burnout and Embracing Support

✦ The Importance of Structure in Business

✦ Investing in Yourself and your Business

✦ The Role of Mentorship in Growth

✦ The Shift Towards Holistic Approaches

✦ Navigating the Challenges of Visibility

✦ The Power of Consistency and Authenticity

✦ Understanding Your Value and Worth

✦ The Journey of Self-Discovery

✦ Creating Sustainable Business Practices

✦ The Energetics of Business Success

✦ The Importance of Community and Connection

✦ Holistic Approaches to Business and Life

✦ Navigating Life's Challenges

✦ Commitment to Self and Purpose

✦ The Importance of Taking Action in Business

✦ Finding Your Unique Path to Success

✦ Radical Honesty and Accountability

✦ Grounding and Reconnecting with Oneself

✦ Embracing Personal Power and Sovereignty



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to today's episode of the Intuitive Femme Network. Today we are so blessed to have our guest speaker, Priscilla Bernstein, really, really excited about the topics we're going to be talking about today. You tell us a little bit about yourself. [00:00:29] Speaker B: Hi, Nancy. Thank you so much for having me. My name is Priscilla Bernstein. As you stated, I am the sole alignment specialist. And in that I am a sacred sexuality and embodiment coach, as well as an intuitive business coach and spiritual mentor. And I'm here to help women not only really regain their sovereignty and power, but to understand how to marry their divine aspects with their human aspects and move in the world in a way that really represents who they are as their most authentic selves. [00:01:04] Speaker A: I love that. How do you see that apply with their businesses when it comes to that intuitive aspect of business? [00:01:13] Speaker B: Well, it's interesting because I feel like women in business, we're very creative. As feminines, we have this. This spark within us that wants to create and expand and birth new ideas and bring things out to the world. And, you know, in the grand scheme of things, we've been taught to be logical, to do things like a man would, to take certain steps and build out our businesses in certain ways. But in the grand scheme of things, it's like that honestly doesn't work for all of us. You know, like, we need to be in flow. We need to be able to create. We need to be able to have rest days, you know, just syncing up with our cycle and understanding, like, how our energy works and utilizing, you know, our gift as being a feminine or a woman to our advantage in business, I think, is really crucial. [00:02:13] Speaker A: I completely agree with you. I've done a previous interview. I think it was like two weeks ago. We're talking all about cycle thinking with our business and operating in that way. And I think that you're touching on something very valuable when it comes to the creativity aspect of the feminine, because we have that portal right through our womb into the other realm. Like, we have access, and we are meant to create new things into this reality, but we become very stifled when we're being told that we need to operate in ways that fit the masculine, when we're meant to operate in a way that fits us. And that's not to say that there's anything wrong with masculinity or the masculine, but there's also space for the feminine. And we're living in a world that really is designed for the feminine. But at some point back in history, that was shifted, right? It was like that was taken away because we know that the calendar naturally should have had 13 months. I think at one point it did. They would all been 28 days. They would all start on Monday. You know, like, the world was designed for the feminine, but wherever that shift was, where the masculine decided it was time to recalibrate some things, this really threw us, and it's been affecting us for, I mean, obviously, like, thousands and thousands of years. And I feel like there's just been this very recent pivot over the last, I don't know, maybe like, 50 years where stuff is really starting to kind of shift back, and there's this rise of the feminine that are recognizing, like, hey, we need to start honoring ourselves and step back into this power. And I feel like the pivot that that's creating is really, like, sending out a big ripple effect and the activation of more women wanting to show up with businesses and offers to make contributions with their spiritual gifts and abilities and knowledge. Are you seeing that, too? [00:04:36] Speaker B: 100%. I mean, you hit the nail on the head, and we did. 13 is the number of the sacred feminine. And, you know, it is a divine number. And there really is. There used to be 13 months we've moved out of the natural rhythm of things by coming into this, like, toxic patriarchy. And, you know, really, when we. When we come down to that aspect of our womb holding the power, you know, being divine feminine and, like, sacred sexuality and embodiment coach, it's like our womb space is our power center, and the masculine actually can't create life. It can't sustain life without the divine feminine. You know, it's like they're. They're just one part of it. But we're the amplifier. We're the thing that brings it to life, and we are the sustainer and expander of that. So no matter what you give a feminine, she will take it and expand it. And so it really is up to us to, like, come back to our sacred sense of power, to come back to our bodies, to come back into harmony with not only the cycles of nature, but our own physical cycle, and to understand how powerful we are when we're rooted with ourselves, when we're rooted in our intuition, when we are, you know, reclaiming our power to allow our voice to be heard, to be our most authentic self, to step fully in and not let anything outside of us dictate how we're moving, if that makes sense. [00:06:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it makes a lot of sense because, you know, everything is about co creation in this plane that we live in. Like, everything co creates. And so, like you're saying with the feminine, we are meant to create and expand. So if we think about it, like, I like to garden, not an expert, but I do like to try. And so, you know, we get the seed packets, right? And those seeds just sit there until they're planted in the earth. And the earth gives it the nutrients, the nourishment, the. The activation that it needs to then become what it's meant to be. And so there is a beautiful co creation with the masculine and feminine. You know, if we look at them as they provide seed and we have a womb that's able to create and grow and cultivate. And so with kind of that dynamic understanding that even in our businesses, like, we're going to have both masculine aspects of our business as its own entity and feminine aspects of our business. When you work with clients, is that something that you guys focus on, like with that duality, or you mostly focused on the feminine embodiment and creating that connection with one's own, like, feminine power? [00:07:49] Speaker B: I believe in the balance. So when we talk about the feminine or the masculine in business, that's our structure, right? That is the back end of our business. That's the thing that keeps it sustained in the sense of like, you know, the foundation. Like, we. We can't be our true feminine, authentic self without having that masculine sense of balance, without the co creation, right? So when we think about masculine pillar or structure in a business, that's. That's like, you know, your website, that's the, you know, the podcast, that's the, you know, the money exchange, that's the thing that's kind of happening in the background to where you get to be your creative self and that is sustaining itself. It's the foundation that everything else gets built on, right? And so without that. Yeah, as if you're too far in your feminine. Every time you go to create something, it will not sustain a itself because, you know, as. As feminines, when we think about the energy, it's like, you know, you. You alluded it to or, you know, made the correlation to a seed and the earth, right? Where even if we look at it in like engineering terms, right, if we want to get a little bit more scientific, like an outlet, the electricity in the wall is the feminine and the plug is the masculine. And so it's just a plug until it gets stuck into the portal of the void, right, the negative, but that's the charge. And so it's like, as women, we tend to over give, and if we're too far in our feminine. We're always giving, we're always creating, and there's nothing to sustain us in, like the structure or the foundation. So that's really what the masculine part is in our business, is to create a foundation that can not only keep us functioning in our feminine, but that holds us steady to where we can scale and grow from there, right. Because we all want scalable businesses. We don't just want to burn out, right. [00:10:00] Speaker A: I think that that is a big thing that happens, especially in the intuitive business realm, right. With these feminines, I see it where they become very burnt out. They're over giving so much. As you were saying, there's not these structures put in place in their businesses that really allow them to rest and to like sink in and relax. And I look at that similarly to what you were saying. Like even like automations, you know, like having the email automation set up to welcome someone into something, or making sure that we have different funnels and different even having like an assistant, you know, that, that still a part of that support in the business so that we're able to show up in what we're meant to be doing. That's something I personally really found that I started struggling with in my own business this past year, is because things were starting to grow to a point. And I hit this kind of ceiling where it was like, I can only do, but so much so I can either do my work or promote my business, but I couldn't do both. It was like I was really struggling to show up in all of those different hats and all of those different aspects of things. And I feel like this is something that is not talked about enough in the business realm, where we have these different layers as we go through our businesses, when we first, it's like you're saying we have to build this foundation. There's certain basic things that we absolutely need to have in place, but then as we grow, we'll find that we hit kind of a new ceiling, maybe. Now we're putting on the second story of the house, and it's like, uh oh. Like I need new frameworks, I need new support in this space. And so when we're in that space of always over giving and not really focusing on that aspect of things that can really destroy a business, we can feel like we're getting somewhere and things are growing. And then all of a sudden we're like, why? Why did it crumble? Why did this happen? And it's because not only did we not put those processes in place, but I think a big part of it is that we're not open to receiving the support. [00:12:24] Speaker B: Right. [00:12:24] Speaker A: What do you think about that? [00:12:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I think, you know, it's interesting because as a female in business and as an entrepreneur and as somebody that has done a lot of stuff on her own, you know, it's almost like we tend to, and I don't know, like, why this is, if it is because of the, like, toxic patriarchy and us having to fight for our place as women, but it's like, you know, it's like, you can't do that. And all of us are like, watch me, I will do it. Right. And so it's like, kind of like taking on this, this masculine aspect of, like, well, I can do it myself. And kind of that understanding of, like, well, if you want something done right, you do it yourself. Right. And so maybe a little bit of this, like, you know, not wanting to give up control, but at the same time, it's, you know, it is us kind of being too much in our masculine, I think, from how we were raised of, like, needing to reclaim our power from a place of, like, force where we're coming into a time now where we're understanding there is this natural co creation and give and take, of needing structure, of being able to ask for support, of fully understanding that we are worthy of being supported, of being held, of being, you know, not only seen, but like, to ask for help. Right. And that's, I think, hard for a lot of women in general. But in the grand scheme of things, you know, it really is, when we think about the divine feminine and divine masculine aspects, it's like, I touched on this earlier. It's like you cannot sustain yourself, but it has to be this equal give and take. And you have to have those structures and you have to have the pillars of support, otherwise, your building or your business will crumble. Right. And so, like you were saying, it's like you're building and you're expanding and you're growing and you're upscaling, but it's like the structure has to build with you, the foundation has to build with you, the pillars have to come up with you, and a new ceiling has to be, you know, invoked. And from there, what's interesting, when we, when we look at energetics in business, it's like any time we hit a new level of expansion, we have to be able to learn how to hold energetically that new level of expansion, whether that's more money, whether that's more clients. Right. And like, you were saying, it's like the automation, the things in the back end that have to happen to where you, even before we started recording, it's like you said something about like, oh, it just like, takes care of it for you. You know, it's like, oh, we need more of that. Right. So we have to understand that. It's like if we can utilize programs and whatnot that are doing a lot of the kind of legwork or lineal work. Yeah. The software that can help us do that, it's like, utilize it, pay for it, invest in that, because it's going to help you get to that next level. It's going to help you sustain and hold your growth because that's something that in business so many women don't understand is like you hit a new threshold, but then you drop back down and you're dropping back down because you haven't learned to hold and you haven't set your business up to hold that level of sustainability. [00:15:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. It's like we're not in integrity with our desire. It's like we want it, but we're not a match to it with that. And I see that even, and you probably agree, but we'll see that with investment. I struggled with that in the past in my business where I was like, I didn't want to invest in coach, I'll just figure it all out on my own. But it's like, it's not even about that. It's about allowing ourselves to be supportive and allowing someone to have our back and to be there on those days when it's tough. So it's not, it's not just about. Well, yeah, I mean, we could go find information anywhere, right? Let's be real. We're in an information time. That's not what investing in ourselves is a battle. It's about cultivating that support. It's about allowing ourselves to have that framework where there are other people. And that's, again, investing in a coach, an assistant in softwares, whatever it is. So that on those days when maybe we're more in that later into the luteal phase and we're feeling really bogged down and not up too much, we know that we still have content going out because we scheduled it and we're using a scheduler. [00:17:04] Speaker B: Right. [00:17:04] Speaker A: So we're not feeling like, oh, no, I'm not showing up in my business. What's going to happen? Well, because I was in my ovulation phase and I had all the energy, I went ahead and scheduled everything out. So now I'm still showing up, but I can rest still. So it's like learning how to implement all of these different things, allowing ourselves to feel very supported so we can also be women and operate as a woman. [00:17:28] Speaker B: I really want to, like, talk on the point because really it is so true. Having a mentor or a coach is one of the best investments you can ever make in yourself. If you're a business owner, even if you're just trying to like, elevate and ascend in your life, in your journey, finding somebody that can be an expander, and like you and I, we're both intuitive. We work with guides and angels. With your higher self, we're like channeling 24/7 right? So it's like to have us in your back pocket, it's like it is worth the investment to be able to pick up the phone. I don't know how your one on one coaching goes, but for me it's like I have voxer chat open Monday through Friday. It's like you can chime in and be like, I'm struggling with this. I need help and I'm right there for you. Hey, this is what's coming through. Da da da da da. And it's like you literally have this, this touch point of somebody that is, has walked the path before you, who has been through it, who has, you know, experienced so much that can help support you in your journey and help you see things that maybe you're not seeing or that, you know, like, you've been so bogged down with your business and the things you're doing that it's like you can't zoom out and see the bigger picture of, like, what needs to be dropped into place. And so I remember when I started getting mentorship, I was like, oh, my God, this is so eye opening. And it's like, it was just so helpful to have someone there that I could lean back on because I'm supporting so many other women. It's like I needed someone where I could lean back in and be supported, right? And have that, like, touchstone to be like, you know, you know, just anything that I needed, whatever it was, it was mostly for business and back end stuff. But at the same time, it's like even when I was struggling through something energetically, you know, help them, helping me see and open up something that maybe I wasn't seeing, you know? And so it just really is such a, you know, crucial and invaluable service that you can do for yourself to hire a coach or a mentor because it will help you elevate your life and your business in so many ways. [00:19:44] Speaker A: I agree. I agree. And it is not the easiest investment, right. Because it can be scary. It's like, what are we getting? Who is this person really? Are they really going to be able to support me? And so this is one of the reasons I am absolutely falling in love with this kind of formatting, the podcasts and the videos and this kind of stuff because it gives us as coaches the opportunity to allow the audience to really see, like, who we are. Like this. This is what you will get. This is what's really there. We're living in a time where there's so much and it's still, I'm going to go there like they're feminists who have fallen into it, but it's still this, like bro marketing where it's like, I'm going to show you how to make millions of dollars in 6 hours by, you know, doing this and this hack and this this and I. The reality is, like, there is no quick fix. Like, building a business is on a get rich quick scheme. There is no, like one magic something to just plug into your business and you're making all this money. That's just not the reality of it. And so I think so many people are kind of starting to really see this and they're like, I don't trust any of these people. And I find that that's very unfortunate, but I feel like it's asking for things to change. You know, I think that this is why even I've been studying more with, like, ads and sales funnels and different stuff like that. And, like, what worked a few years ago just doesn't work anymore. And it's because people have kind of seen behind the curtain and they're like, you're not at all what you promised me. And so there's a new way of cultivating connections, and it's a more feminine way. It's a way of leading with value. It's a way of showing and teaching, because, again, you can really get information anywhere. It's not about what information does someone have. Yes, that's important, obviously, but it's also about how are they going to support you through that process. Are they actually just going to show you some videos and be like, here, good luck to you? Or are they going to audit your sales page for you and go through it? Are they going to look over your offer and help you piece it together? Are they going to be there when you're having struggles with your mindset and saying, I don't. Like, I'm so discouraged. I don't know what's going on and talk and support you through it. That is what people really need. They don't need some random, throw this in your business. Throw that. Get this for this. It's like those aspects can help if you have the right frameworks in place, but most people don't. And so they're like, well, it didn't work. I invested in this person, I invested in coaching, I invested in this thing. It was just a waste of money. And it's like, well, because it wasn't a holistic approach. And I feel like that's really what we're being called into is more of that holistic approach when it comes to coaching. And that is going to be a feminine way. [00:22:56] Speaker B: And I think, too, speaking to that, it's like when we look at the holistic approach, it, like you said, it's not plug and play. There's not a one stop quick fix to, like, fix your problems or to build your business. It's like you really have to learn how to pay attention to your own intuition, to your own inner guidance. Like, if you don't, if, like, funnels isn't your thing, then, like, don't worry about that. Like, don't build a business off what somebody's telling you. If it feels out of alignment for you, right? Like, cold calling, totally out of alignment for me. Not something I do, right? Like, I don't run ads I like for myself. I've always been told, like, my inner guidance has always been like, you just put out the value and you stand as a beacon of light, like a lighthouse, and let people find you, your people will find you. And so that, it's so interesting because that came through as a channeled message for somebody, one of my clients yesterday, and she's just stepping into her business. And what also came through was that, like, in four years, like, she'll see steady growth, but, like, to not give up if, you know, she's not getting the metrics that she wants, you know? And I was like, four years. I was like, it's taken me, you know, ten years to get to where I am at. And, like, four years is nothing like, just be happy that you're going to have this, like, slow sustaining growth. Right. But it really is about trusting our own intuition. And, like, as a coach, as a business mentor, you know, and spiritual mentor, it's like, I love to empower people to follow their own inner guidance, to, like, really learn how to tap into their intuitive knowing to use their body as like, a compass and a barometer to understand what feels resonant and right and in alignment for them before moving on. And so, like, don't just hire a coach for somebody, you know, that, like, the metrics and the things that you're looking at look good. It's like, feel that resonance within you. Does this person, does it like, land as truth within you when you're reading their sales page, you know, or you're hearing their pitch, like, do you vibe with their content and their energy is everything that you're getting from them? Like juicy and yummy and you just, like, want more, you know, like, that's a really good indication that it's like, cool. This is the person I want to invest in because, you know, you're going to be getting value and, you know, your body's already telling you this is in alignment. This frequency is where you want to be at. Right. And so it's, it really is this, like, necessity to, like, feel into your decision as opposed to logically thinking and, like, acting from a place of, like, well, this makes sense. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:41] Speaker A: Because any, again, you know that, sure, masculine energy does belong in our business. So we do want to look at some logical aspects. [00:25:48] Speaker B: Great. [00:25:49] Speaker A: But we also want to make sure that we are following that internal guidance system that we all have as the feminine, that intuition, something that I find interesting. And I would love to kind of pick your brain about this because I'm wondering if you've seen it, too. But we'll see that with our clients, when there are certain things that they do need to do in their business, right, one of them is going to be to show up in some way, right? We can't offer a service if no one knows it exists. And people cannot build a connection or rapport with us. And so what's interesting to me is when I'll talk to a client and we'll look at different platforms, we'll look at their offer. We have to understand, like, okay, if I have a higher ticket offer, I need to make sure I'm going where there's going to be people looking for a higher ticket offer. This means I time investment, money investment. Are they in a space where they're really genuinely ready to enact things to change? And so what I teach is people like that, they're going to be wanting more long form content, right? I'm such a binge watcher of podcasts and like YouTube videos and things like that, more of that long form where I'm looking and I'm learning and I'm ingesting it and really able to sit there. And I'm the type. I'm like, okay, yes. If I'm going to sit and watch an hour long podcast episode because I value what this person is teaching so much. Yeah. I will also sit down and show up for weekly calls in a group mastermind. [00:27:27] Speaker B: Right? [00:27:28] Speaker A: Like, I'll take that time investment versus. If we are looking at short form, the short form is going to be more of like, little inspirational things, right? The tips, the hacks, the different knowledge. It's really great for healers and readers and things like that to get readings booked and stuff like that. But those different things, they matter. Like, we're going to find different clients in different places. Now, if we have a higher ticket, we still want to put out short form because that's a good way to just get exposure. Right? But what, what I'll see is this, this moment where it's like, okay, like, we gotta be putting something out. We gotta start showing up. And there's this, we almost, like, gaslight ourselves. [00:28:24] Speaker B: Really? [00:28:25] Speaker A: Like, well, I don't know if that. If that feels right or if that feels like this. When in reality, as intuitives, we're tuning in and we can tell they're scared. They're afraid to start showing up. What would you recommend for that? [00:28:42] Speaker B: Okay, so just to speak on what you said. So when we're talking about following our intuition and our inner guidance, that's, you know, like, for these, like, big decisions, right? But it's like, without consistency, if you're working your business like a hobby, you're gonna get paid like it's a hobby, right? You know, you got to work it like it's a fucking business. Excuse my. My friends. It's like, you know, like I do first, like a singer, but, you know, I didn't know you're. I was like, oh, we're just going to drop this here because this is the authentic truth, right? Like, yes. You really have to show up for yourself and, you know, like, there are moments in your business where you will take time away from putting out the short form content, putting out, you know, consistent, you know, posts and whatnot on Instagram or, you know, emails or whatever. And it's like at a certain point you have to come back from that, otherwise your business is just not going to sustain itself. So, like you're saying it's like, a lot of times, though, what we, what we don't want to do is what we need to do. And the things that we have the most resistance to is really the thing that's calling us forward to get out of our way and get out of our comfort zone so we can step into the experience expansion that we want. Right? [00:29:53] Speaker A: Yes. [00:29:54] Speaker B: I mean, that was a golden fucking nugget right there. Like, you pull that out and put that. [00:29:58] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm sure the software that I invested in will do that for us. [00:30:05] Speaker B: There we go. So, you know, it's like, it really is this, like, idea that it's like, it's not that. It's like, oh, I don't feel like doing that today. It's like, okay, well, cool. Maybe you don't feel like doing that today, but if you still don't feel like doing that tomorrow and the next day and the next day, it's like you're really setting yourself back and you're playing small and you're getting in your own way and you're stopping your own growth and your own expansion from happening and from people finding you because you're not putting it out there. And, like, short form and long term, long form content are really great, but, you know, at the same time, it's like, if you want to build a sustainable business, you have to have it all. You have to have entry level short form tidbits. Because I think they say something like, it takes 75 touches to earn some less. So it's like to be consistently putting content out there that is valuable for people to where they're ingesting it and saying, oh, I really like what I'm learning from this person. I want a little bit more. It's like the breadcrumbs, right? It's like the sprinkle, sprinkle method. So it's like you have to sprinkle the information out there. You have to put yourself out there. It's like a sonar post. Like, hey, I'm here. Hey, I'm here. Let me share something. Let me give you a little tidbit. Let me. You know, it's almost like, you know, foreplay or, you know, sexuality, it's like you gotta get the buildup in before you get the payoff, right? Like, or the climax. So in the grand scheme of things, it's like you have to do the grunt work. You have to, like, I heard this guy talking about, like, you know, in foreplay and the, like, epidemic of, like, men or people not giving foreplay to women, you know, and not. And he was like, you have to warm up your car. You have to. It just runs better when you warm up your car. You can't just, like, start your car and drive. I mean, you can, like, function it the way that it should. Right? So it's the same thing. It's like you have to warm up your audience. You have to be continually giving and even giving when you're not seeing a return on investment. Right? [00:32:09] Speaker A: Yes. That's the hardest. I think when people start, it's like, I'm posting this stuff. It's great content, it's great value. But I'm not, I'm not getting any response. I'm not getting anything. It's like, we have to be consistent. [00:32:21] Speaker B: For months, like, months, even years, you know? Like, we don't just throw it out. [00:32:28] Speaker A: There and be like, cool. You're now a high ticket client. Like, we don't go out and just go to a bar and be like, that one's my husband now. [00:32:36] Speaker B: Right? [00:32:39] Speaker A: We have to take the time. We have to show up. We have to be consistent. We have to add the value. We have to let algorithms work for us and put that energy in. This is working for me. This is finding my authentic people. This is the vibration, you know? It's like, we have to take that time to do that and not get. [00:32:56] Speaker B: So energy, because it is a game of energetics. And if you're constantly investing in your audience and investing in the value, the energetic exchange will come. You have to believe and trust in yourself and your messaging so much, because at the beginning, if you're reinventing yourself, people are gonna be like, what are they talking about now? You know? Like, hmm, let's dive into this, right? If you're coming out as a new business owner or you're switching up your, like, I've had many reincarnations, and I'm sure my audience is like, oh, what is Priscilla doing now? You know, like, and multi hyphenate. And because I evolve and I'm, like, working with the evolution of. Of who I am and what I'm being called to, like, teach and share and expand on. Right, in reality or in the collective. And so it's like, you can't just start putting out a message and expect everybody to be like, I'm on board. Let's go. Right? It's like, you gotta butter it up. You gotta, like, satiate in it. It's like, you gotta keep investing in yourself, in your message, in your audience, and then it'll start as a trickle. People will start to come in. People will start to reflect back to you, like, oh, I really am really loving your new content. Right? And then it's like you just, you let that be the thing that feeds you and to keep going, to keep going, to keep going, and then you'll get more and more reflection. And so, you know, it's like, I think another thing with, with females in business and entrepreneurs is like, we have to learn how to stop giving away or like doing the exchange time for money. And so that's where it's like, you do have these small ticket offers, right? That you have to get people in the door to learn from you, to work with you in a way that, like, works for them and it's a smaller investment for them. And then you have your big ticket offers to where they can come on board, they can work with you longer. And it's like you're not giving away your time. It's not an hourly exchange anymore. It's like they're investing in you and your knowledge, your wisdom, and investing in themselves by investing in you. To have you help them expand and work with them and nurture them and support them into this next phase of their business or their life or wherever it is that they're going. [00:35:28] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, there's definitely this. It's like a very interesting paradigm because we'll see people, especially in the female entrepreneur space, where it's like, well, I feel like I have to, like, give away these offers or I have to give away my services or I have to do this so somebody understands the value, etcetera. Now, I'm all for when someone first starts out, if they want to do a, like a few free sessions to get some data and testimonials. I always say, cap it at about five if you need to do that for your own social proof, cool. But after that, at minimum, move into donation based and then continue to keep going. But there's this aspect of this where it's like, well, I don't feel good about charging for this, or I don't feel good about charging for that. It feels uncomfortable to me. But then they don't feel comfortable showing up and providing value on a podcast or on a video because they're like, oh, I feel like that should be in my program. I feel like I should save that for this. And it's like, right, it's like such an interesting self sabotage loop that we get stuck in where it's like, it's like whatever concept I can apply to this to keep me from showing up and actually really genuinely giving this a go, it's like any excuse will do kind of thing, right? Whatever I can put into this hat to pull out today, because at the end of the day, when we start showing up and when we start creating value, putting it out there and we're not seeing the feedback that we're wanting, if we're showing up for the wrong reasons, that's going to be really discouraging. But if we're showing up because we understand the way that I help other people grow and expand is the way that I'm also going to grow and expand. So, like, if I want to make money doing what I'm really good at, I need to help more people make money doing what they're good at. Like, that's how I make more money. It's by serving other people and helping them. And so it's like this, this interesting mindset that's going on there. And I feel that so much with, like, the imposter syndrome and this fear of showing up because we're coming at it just from the wrong energy. We're coming at it from some kind of validation. We're coming at it from some kind of, like, well, it has to be making money now. It has to look this way now. It has to. And it's very constrained and very confined versus if we have something that we are so deeply passionate about, we will go talk and show up. I mean, I don't like making comparisons to Jesus, but it's like, we'll use it as an example. That man did not go out and say, gosh, I really hope to build a big, successful business off of this and start a religion. He spoke because he was passionate. He showed up because he had a mission and a purpose that he wanted to speak about. And then an entire global religion came from it. That was never his goal. It was just to impact people. And this is, again, you know, most people know that analogy. So I use that for those. Some ascribe to those teachings, some don't. But it's enough of an example to show, like, if we show up from an energy of, I want to make a difference, I want to help, and that's why I'm going to show up every single day. The likes, the comments, the metrics, are those things going to be important from that masculine aspect? Yes, we'll collect the data and learn from it, but it's not going to affect our mindset around our worth and the value and why we're here and make us right. [00:39:25] Speaker B: And that's what I was gonna say is, like, when you first started talking about that, it's like, well, there's a mindset shift that has to happen because you're, you're functioning from a place of, like, lack or limitation, especially if you're, like, feeling uncomfortable for charging for something, you know, like, yeah, if you're just starting out and you want to, like, see the value that you're giving people before you put a price on it. Awesome. You. You give your stuff away for free, right? But it's like when you're seasoned and you're out there and you're lowballing yourself, it's like, this is way more valuable, you know? Like, there's a mindset shift that has to happen. And the biggest mindset shift that I think I had working with a mentor a few years back, a handful of years back, was she was like, it's not, I have to do this. It's, I get to do this every day. This is my mission. This is my purpose, and I get to share this wisdom, this knowledge, this information with people every day. And when you have that mindset shift that, like, you've been given this gift to share, like, you were talking about Jesus and I talk about and teach about the divine feminine, divine masculine through the Magdalene code. So I know so much about that that, you know, structure, if you will. But, you know, at the same time, when we look at it as I'm just sharing my wisdom, I'm sharing my value. You can, like I said, it's a sprinkle, sprinkle method. Like, you can share sprinkles of the big message in your short form content, your free content. Like, I have so much that I give away for free, whether it's posts that I'm doing on Instagram, my podcast, you know, on TikTok, through my newsletter, you know, even on Patreon, I have a free membership, right? So it's like, I give a ton away for free. But it's like, if you want more, if you want to get into the meat and potatoes of it, if you want to, like, dig deep, you got to, like, put some skin in the game. You have to be yourself, you know, and invest in me because it's like, I'm not going to give everything away for free. Like, I was at the tea shop yesterday working, and this cute little couple came in and they're like, oh, are you a student? And I was like, no, I'm a little older. You know, like, I'm 42. I was like, no, I'm not a student. I'm not working on schoolwork. I was like, I'm actually channeling for my, like, collective and channeling messages. I'm a, you know, psychic intuitive and, you know, multi channel conduit. And they're like, oh, can you, like, read me? And I was like, no. [00:42:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:05] Speaker B: Like, asking me to work. Like, I'd never ask you to just, like, do your work on me. You know, like, I was like, this is, uh, you know, like, it just. I was like, maybe in the beginning I would have. I was like, I've been doing this for, you know, two decades, and, no, I don't. I don't do a whole lot. You know, I do a lot for free already. I'm like, you're more than welcome to sign up for my, my newsletter. Like, I can, you know, add you right now. And they were like, no, of course. [00:42:35] Speaker A: We'Ll link that in the description. [00:42:37] Speaker B: But I was like, if you're not willing to invest anything in me, not even your email, like, no. Like, how would you really is, like, doing that? That core work with your self worth, your self care concept and your self value are huge in really shifting your mindset to understand the value that you're giving. And if you're still learning, there are things that you have lived, that you have experienced, that you have, you know, like, they say that term, your mess is your medicine. It's like your lived experience and the schooling you've had and the, like, life of hard knocks that you've been through. Like, that is your medicine that you get to share with the world. And there are people just waiting for you to, like, find you, to hear your voice, to hear your frequency, to have you put out your, you know, vibration through that, like sonar from you speaking or you sharing your truth and, you know, again, yes, if you want to put it in the course, put it in the course. Course. But it's like you can repeat yourself and you can drop just the. The surface level to it. [00:43:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:57] Speaker B: And then when they join your course, they can get the deep dive of it. Right? And so it really is this, like, knowledge and understanding that, like, we really have to do that, that core inner work with our limiting beliefs, our self concept, our self worth and understanding, like, what it is that we truly have to offer and allowing ourselves to break down the limiting beliefs we have around whether that's money or investment or whatnot. Because a lot of times, like, you will never be, for the most part, you will never be paid what you were not willing to invest in yourself sense. If you're not willing to invest thousands of dollars in a coach for you to ask for thousands of dollars from somebody else you're again putting out the wrong. You're not in a. You're not a vibrational match to that. [00:44:48] Speaker A: Right. [00:44:48] Speaker B: So you're not going to get that back. Right. [00:44:51] Speaker A: And so very out of alignment to do it too. Like it's. There's a partner energy. Yeah, that's like, I don't, I don't feel right about that. It's. You're right. People, people will feel that it's palpable. It just comes across in everything, honestly. And I think it's to go back to like, what you're saying about sharing the value with like, even like short form, long form, different things like that. [00:45:16] Speaker B: It's. [00:45:17] Speaker A: There's a concept around this that I think is very important for us to remember. Even if you and I wanted to record videos and share everything, there is a stark difference between me sharing a video and I've shared them about, like, how to build out an ascension sales funnel from your signature offer. There is a huge difference between watching that video and having someone go through and help you make it and audit it and help you look at the numbers and help you dissect the audience and help make sure that that signature off. Sorry to interrupt this video. I'm sure that you're loving it, but if you are loving it, I want to make sure that you remember to grab your copy of the intuitive femme framework. This is a 40 page playbook that I put together that breaks down the entire framework. You're going to need to build a sustainable, scalable and aligned feminine business in the online coaching space. So if you're looking to scale your business to multiple six and seven figures and want to do it in a feminine aligned way without burnout and without the gross marketing bro hustle, grab this. You can either click the link below or scan the code 1000%. There's just no way you will ever be able to replace that kind of support with free content. Even if we wanted to, we can't. Like, it's just not possible. So I'm happy. I will share information. I'm all about, you know, with the feminine. Like, no more gatekeeping. Like if you want to learn how to do this, and I hope that someone can apply it enough to a point where they're like, I am making enough to invest now and I'm ready to take this to the next level even more so. But at the end of the day, like, there's just no comparison. There's no comparison. And having a framework, here's the framework for your signature offer. But then having someone who can help you actually like channel it and make sense of it and put it together in a way and audit it point. [00:47:34] Speaker B: And at that point, we become the masculine support for them to be in their feminine, for them to help create and grow and sustain what it is that they're building because they have used or utilized us and our knowledge as these support beams in their signature offer or whatever it is that they're creating. Right? [00:47:57] Speaker A: Yes. That's why again, going back, I think that that big shift is happening wherever people need to find mentors that have a holistic approach. It's not enough anymore to just have someone who's going to teach you the framework. It's not enough to just have someone to help you with mindset, unless you're just looking to have a better overall life experience. Sure, great. That will help you in all aspects of your life. But if you're really wanting to be able to build a sustainable and successful business, there has to be that holistic approach and someone who is highly educated in that. So speaking on that, if someone wanted to come to you and say, okay, Priscilla, I'm loving your energy, I'm jiving with you, how could you help them? [00:48:49] Speaker B: Well, first and foremost, we will do a lot of kind of like spiritual energy clearing mindset work. We do. I do a lot of, you know, inner child and shadow work in our business dealings and through anything that you're really working on with me. Like, I always take everything as an opportunity to help you go deeper, right? To help you see where you may have these like, limiting beliefs. To help people understand that your subconscious mind is literally creating 90% of your reality, you know, like, it's kind of scary. Yeah. And it's like if things are not working in your life, it begins and ends with you. Like, you can't blame or play the victim, you know, it's like, it's your beliefs, it's something happening within you, your energy, your frequency that's creating that. So we look at all of these things we, like when we talk about holistic reproach, like that is like the, you know, basis of, like, what I'm doing. It's like you can't have a successful business and have a dysregulated nervous system. Like, it's not gonna, like, at some point you are literally gonna crash and burn and burn your whole business down. [00:50:06] Speaker A: You know, or when life happens, you know, you meet a new guy that you're playing out a pattern with and. [00:50:12] Speaker B: You like, it blows up your whole. [00:50:14] Speaker A: Business or someone gets sick or what? I, you know, like, totally something. [00:50:21] Speaker B: Yeah, it really is. It's like, you know, like, you have to have this, like, regulated nervous system. You have to look at your shadows and work through that. You have to really understand what it means to, like, have a healthy sense of self concept of self worth, of self value. You, you know, like, really understanding your why of, like, why you're doing what you're doing, why you're sharing what you're sharing. Like, what is the pool for you to do this? So when shit does get hard and when you do want to burn it down, you can go back and be like, oh, no, this is why we're doing this. And we're not giving up. We're not quitting, and we're not going to give in. Like, you have to believe in yourself 1000%, and I will be your biggest cheerleader to help you get there, no matter what it is that you want to do. And so really, it really comes back down to, yes, I can help you with the structure. Yes, I can help you with the guidance to get you to the next steps. Yes, I can help you heal your, you know, things that have even happened in your past life that your soul's been holding on to that is creating a, you know, this pattern in your life that's keeping you stuck thing that you need to heal from a past life that your soul has been holding on to right this fracture. And so once that gets healed, it's like everything else moves on and flows in a way that, like, you've had all the pieces, but at the same time, there was this one thing that you couldn't access, you know, until we, like, did past life regression, akashic record reading stuff, right? And so it really comes back and forth, like, to this give and take. And as this multi hyphenate type coach and mentor being so intuitive, it's like, and maybe you can attest to this, too. It's like we're able to see where your patterns are. It's 111 on the clock right now. As I said that, I just happened to look up, but we're able to see your patterns and to see like, oh, you're doing this thing again that you did before and, you know, really helping you see and put the mirror up to be like, hey, this is, this looks like a self sabotaging technique. This looks like you're trying to, you know, like you're scared of your own success and so you're not going to let yourself get there. Let's pulling back and like, I'm gonna call you out, but I'm gonna call you out from this place of love. I'm gonna call you out and really continue to hold the mirror because you're paying me to do that. Help you continue to take those steps forward to help you move out of your discomfort. It's such this, like, fine line of walking this edge and knowing when to take a leap of faith and knowing that. It's like when I heard, I saw a video today that said, my favorite animal is me when I'm locked in. And it's like, that's it. Like, period. It's like when you're committed, when you're locked in on anything, 100% moves, too. Everything moves in your favor, but it really is about commitment to self, commitment to your why, commitment to your business, and, like, what it is that you're wanting to share and commitment to the higher purpose playing out. Because if you're called to do something, then you're called to do something. You know? If you're mission based and you're on this path of purpose, there is no real free will. Like, spirit will always bring you back and be like, no, no, you're on track again. We're gonna go on that karmic loop again. And they make it harder every time. Yeah. And they make it harder every time and more painful because they're letting you know that's wrong. [00:53:58] Speaker A: Yeah. That's not your path. Like, you have to stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:54:02] Speaker B: So, you know, it really. I don't know. I think I answered your question in a roundabout way, but it really is this holistic approach of, like, there's so many. It's so multifaceted and there's so many layers and so many pieces. And it's not just one thing to help you get to the next level. It's a lot of little things put together that when you are working with somebody like us, we can really help you see where your blind spots are and where you're maybe missing. [00:54:32] Speaker A: We all have them. [00:54:33] Speaker B: We all have them. Yeah. [00:54:40] Speaker A: Yeah. I think it's kind of overlooked in the business growth aspect, where mindset really is. Like, it's like, 80% of it. Like, as long as you have an offer and you've done the basic, like, structural stuff in the back end, like, you're good. That's the easiest part. When I start with clients, it's like, that's the easiest part. Let's get this offer done. Let's get this created. [00:55:09] Speaker B: Da da da da. [00:55:09] Speaker A: We got this. And it's like that. And I will say it, and I've said this before, that is the number one place, though, that clients will drop, is when it's that time to start showing up. It's like, there's not much more we can do here when it comes to, like, we have the structure, we have. We have the basics of the offer, or it's taking that. Like, okay, like, we've talked about this enough. You actually need to sit down and, like, craft it. Like, we need to do it. So there's this block that'll come up and where. That's where I will intuitively be like, okay, like, we need to kind of circle back. Like, what is going on with this block? Where's this resistance? Because there's nothing there in the 3d, like in this process that's preventing anything. Like, you have, you have all the software, you have all the tools. You have all this. Like, then it's like, well, I don't have time or I don't have this, or I don't have that. [00:56:14] Speaker B: Excuses. Yep. [00:56:17] Speaker A: So then there's something. There's something there. [00:56:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:20] Speaker A: It's like there's something else. There's a fear. There's a block. There's a self sabotage. There's something. And so it's like, it'll come into a point. And that's where I say where clients drop off, where I will actually release clients because I'm like, I am not going to allow you to continue to pay me when you are not in a space where you're willing and ready to take these actionable steps. That does not feel ethical to me. [00:56:46] Speaker B: Right. [00:56:47] Speaker A: I'm not just going to sit here now. If we want to go work on intentional mindset, then we need to pivot and go over into what I have as my untangled program, where we go through mindset and do tons of shadow work and different things like that. But it's like we need to either pivot over here and go do this before we come back to this, or we just need to say, it's just not the right time right now. [00:57:09] Speaker B: Right. And the actual steps are so crucial. I mean, it really is that it's like there's only so much manifestation you can do, but you have to move into action at a certain point. It's again, coming back to the masculine and feminine. The masculine aspects of ourselves are the action steps. And we can do this from inspired action. And what I love to work on with my clients is to, you know, help them create a mind map. And it's like, what is your goal? We have that in the middle, right? This is your goal for this year or this quarter or whatever, for this program that you're putting out. So now we need to, like, break it down into and reverse engineer it into all the actionable steps that have to happen. And so you draw all these lines off of that middle point, all the little actionable steps of what you need to do to create that. And then you look at the mind map and you say, you do this every single day, right? Of course there's going to be days when you just want to rest. Cool. What can you do that creates rest and gives you that sense of rest, but you can still be taking an actionable step. Oh, do a post on Instagram. You don't have to get on camera. You can just type it out and hit send and be watching Netflix and chilling and, like, have your hot water thing on your, you know, like, ovaries and just, like, resting. Right. It's like, it just really is that simple. But it's like you, you don't have to do anything, but if you want a successful business, you have to be willing to put in at least one actionable every single day. Even if that's just going out and talking to somebody and telling them what you're doing, what you do, you know, sharing your message with the world in some way. That can be the actionable step for the day. But it's like you have to keep moving the needle forward. You can't just keep, it's not, even though it is a game of energetics, if you're not fully in alignment with that and you're not fully locked in, it doesn't matter how much you're, like, manifesting, envisioning it to work, it's never going to fully manifest or come into your reality because you haven't created the container to sustain it. [00:59:24] Speaker A: Well, you just hit the word right? You haven't created, like, we have to create. It's not just the, the manifestation here and in our energy. Like, we are creatrixes. [00:59:38] Speaker B: Like, we create. [00:59:40] Speaker A: And that's through doing. That's through doing and not just talking about it, not just repeating, talking about it, but doing. And so I really feel like that is, like, the hardest point when it's getting someone started in their business. It's like that moment where it's like, you just have to start doing it. [01:00:04] Speaker B: Just a hundred percent. Like, I remember when my guidance was like, I, you need to do videos. And I was like, I don't want to do videos. I don't want to, and I didn't do videos. I, like, was this, like, resistant to it for, like, four years. [01:00:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:21] Speaker B: So I held myself back for four years by not doing videos. And the second I started doing videos, it's like my whole reality changed. I started getting so many more clients, started building more, you know, followers. It's like, I wonder what would have happened if had I started this four years ago. Right. We can be our own. [01:00:41] Speaker A: I have the same thoughts. Yeah. With the, like, with the podcasting and with it, because I was the one who fell into the all quick. You need this funnel, and you need this. This strategy, and it's like, oh, and then we're, like, wasting money putting this and all our time and energy when it said, it's like, the basic, simple. Create a YouTube channel and give value about what you're passionate about. Dissect those videos, make some shorts, share them on your platform, and allow the right people to find you. [01:01:15] Speaker B: That and what's so great nowadays is, like, we have so many resources that you can do something in one place and again, pull from it, pull tidbits from it and share it everywhere. Use the content over and over again in ways that are, like, hitting different points, you know, collecting different data from different audiences, you know, like, we literally have so much available at our fingertips, and we really just have to learn how to work it. And like you said, we are the creatrixes. You know, like, my, I have a mastermind coming up called the untamed creatrix. But it's like, it really is about this idea that it's like, when we have an idea, we have to be able to birth it into existence. And it's like, it can only do so much gestating inside us until we start to take those actionable steps, until we start to say yes, and we lock in and we commit to doing something every day to commit. And like I said, your way might not be the same for someone else, right? It may not be the same for me, right? It's like, not everybody needs to start a podcast. Like, if that is not your jam, if you don't like talking, don't do the podcast, you know? Like, if writing is your thing, then get on Instagram, get on substat, get on medium, share your content wherever you can. Elephant Journal. Like, whatever it is. Like, write articles for magazines. Like, if writing is your thing, right? If. If videos are your thing, like, and creating and editing and doing all that stuff, like, awesome. Like, create videos that bring people. I mean, you can make a huge business off just, you know, being like beautiful filmmaker and sharing information through those beautiful films that are like inspirational, you know, like, to get hired by other businesses to do this for them. Like, you never know what it's going to lead to. But if we stop getting in our own way and stop self sabotaging ourselves and stop making excuses, really, it like, those are the three things, the three biggest blocks other than like our mindset and the doubts and fears and stuff that we have. But it's like when you get those three big things out of the way and you just are like, for me, perfection. Even though I'm a recovering perfectionist, perfection has never been my thing in business. It's like, it's like, just build the plane as you're flying. [01:03:52] Speaker A: It's like, you know, this is what I'm talking about. [01:04:00] Speaker B: This is. [01:04:00] Speaker A: And this is why I'll tell my clients when we first start making their signature offer. I'm like, we have a basic idea now. Now you need to start showing up. And again, you're right, it can be whatever content, but it has to be something. Like if you don't want to have your picture on everything, then create like a quote image that you're going to put a with the post. Like create videos that are based just off your transcript. There's so many softwares now that'll read it even with AI and put like videos and pictures with it. Like, there's so many things that we can do that can fit along with where we are in our journey about being exposed, showing up, putting ourself out there. There's so many things. It doesn't matter what we choose. What's important is that we choose something and we just do it. [01:04:51] Speaker B: And that it's in alignment. It's in alignment with like what we want to do. Right. Like, I don't want to sit there and like sell to you. Like, that's not what I want to do. But it's like I will share my information and at the bottom I will give you the opportunity in like my written post or at the end of a video to join something, right. It's like if you resonated with this and this is something that you just totally vibed with, like, we're going deeper here. Join us, you know? [01:05:24] Speaker A: Exactly. It's that simple. [01:05:27] Speaker B: It's that simple. [01:05:28] Speaker A: It doesn't like, nobody's going to know if we don't tell, but we don't have to be like, you know, sales people. We can still be authentic and share our knowledge, share the information. That's like, hey, if you need more support or if you want to learn more about this, you know, drop an emoji, I'll send you a message. We can chat. I'll tell you about it. And again, it's just. It's just doing it. It's just showing up. Oh, my gosh. So much, so much harder. And it isn't that, like the over analysis, paralysis and the protectionism, the people pleasing fear of rejection and, you know, all of this stuff, and that's real. But again, the only way it's going to get better is through practice and taking action. [01:06:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. [01:06:18] Speaker A: It is. That's the only way. It's the action that's going to. [01:06:21] Speaker B: I have a client going through, and she just started doing videos, and, you know, she's, like, so scared. But at the same time, it's like, dude, every time. Not dude, but it's like, every time you do the video, every time you do a new one, it gets easier and easier. You get more comfortable in front of the camera. Your message and how you're speaking and the way in which you're delivering gets more authentic and more true the more that you do it. Right. It's like nobody. We're all beginners at some point. Nobody is an expert to start. It's like you have to do such. [01:06:56] Speaker A: A block for so many. [01:06:57] Speaker B: Yeah, you have to do the B roll thing for a while until it's like, you really kind of hone in on, like, how you want it to come out or it becomes more natural to you. Right. It never is gonna be natural from the start. We all are beginners at some point. And, like, you and I have been doing this for quite some time to where it just is like, it's just second nature to us. It's very natural to talk about this, right? And so, like you said, you know, there are so many options, but you just have to find what works for you and what resonates with you and what you want to do. So if you're looking at that, you know, mind map at the reverse engineering your action steps, like, look at that and be like, what's the easiest thing that aligns most with me today that I want to do? Like, do that, you know, and then if there's another one that you're like, ooh, now this, it leads into this, and I want to do this now. Like, a lot of times, once we just start taking the steps, it's like that full card in tarot, right. Once you just take a. I even have a tattoo on my foot that's in Sanskrit that says no obstacles exist. And I got it on my foot to remind me that. It's like, you just have to take the first step. The obstacles are just in your mind, right. We make up so much in our mind of narratives and fears and what ifs. And Marianne Williamson said, we're not scared of failure. We're actually scared of our own success. Right? [01:08:19] Speaker A: Yes. [01:08:20] Speaker B: Because we don't know what's going to come with that. And even though we all want that, we all keep it separate from us and hold it at arm's length because, you know, we have to show up as a different person in order to have that success. And so many people are not willing to break out of their comfort zone. So it's like, you know, once you start taking those actions and you start to see again committing to yourself and the favorite animal being you locked in. When you're locked in and you're taking action steps, you will see a reflection very quickly on people responding to you in different ways, whether that's through your audience, whether that's just in general as you're, like, walking around, because you have, like, you're holding a different energy by taking action, by believing in yourself, by saying yes and locking in to your path. And with that, it's like people will start coming in out of the woodworks where you're like, how did you find me? [01:09:18] Speaker A: And they won't say wild too, who is this person? [01:09:23] Speaker B: And they won't say anything about where you've been put outputting stuff, but they'll be like, oh, so and so gave me your information, right? And it's like it could have just been a referral or something else, but it's like, because you're in this completely different energy of being locked in on your path, on your purpose, on what it is that you're wanting to do. And you're committed, so committed that you are taking action every day. Again, the providence moves to and spirit the universe. Source, whatever you want to call it, will start to send you the resources, the opportunities, the blessings, like all the. [01:09:57] Speaker A: Things that you're wanting, the information, because that's something too. Well, I don't know. I don't know what my program should be. I don't know what my content should be. I don't know. It's like you have the concept, you have it. You want to create a proprietary healing process. You've been shown it it in your mind, you're going to get the next steps when you act on those that you've already been given. [01:10:20] Speaker B: Exactly. And I tell my clients all the time because I had a client all the time that would say, I don't know. And I said, you have, you have to stop saying that because I don't know is a crutch for you and keeping you held in an energy of I don't know. But on a deep cellular level and a spiritual level, you do know. You're just not. You're blocking your own inner knowing. Bye. Continuing to say, I don't know. [01:10:45] Speaker A: I used to know it was the same. And I was like, that needs to stop. You need to start saying, I'm figuring it out, I'm still learning, or just. [01:10:55] Speaker B: Stay in the question because I don't know is like you are making a conclusion that you don't have the answers. But like, your soul knows, your higher self knows, your cells know, you know what you're here to do. Whether or not your physical human knows what you're here to do, everything else knows what you're here to do. So when you start, really, that's why I think embodiment is so crucial. Plus the whole like, idea of regulating your nervous system. Because when we're super stressed out and we're overstimulated, so often we're disassociated from our body and we're like, our soul is just like, we're not, like in, we're not grounded in what we're doing, right? So another thing around the, I don't know is like really getting your system in order in embodying and bringing your soul, your essence back into your body, grounding yourself on a daily basis, working with like, breath work practices, being outside in nature, reconnecting back to your spiritual connection, and like, allowing your intuition to come. This is like a muscle that just needs work every day. You just need to utilize it every day and test it, right? And so as you're doing this and you're stepping forward, you will get the wisdom, you will get the intuitive hits, you will get the downloads of like, what to do next. And sometimes things will go quiet and it's like, oh, this is a rest and receive time. So you take care of yourself, you nurture yourself, you allow yourself that kind of downtime to process and integrate and release, and then more stuff will come in. Everything happens in a cycle. And so we really have to learn to listen to our bodies, listen to our nervous systems, listen to when we're in a state of overwhelm or overstimulation to allow ourselves to down regulate and come back into that sense of openness so we can receive, because as conduits, we all have, you know, a magnetic pole and an electrical hole right within us. And so we, when we learn how to regulate ourselves and we learn how to be embodied and we can really ground and reconnect back to the earth, the fastest way to get back in touch with your spiritual self and with the divine is to be outdoors and to be in silence and connect nature. Right? And so when we do this, we're not only grounding our energy and down regulating our nervous system to come back into that, like, rest and receive mode, but we are also opening ourselves up to the all that is. And so when we open ourselves up, the next steps, that divine inspiration, those like, you know, the things that we have, the next actions, like, come to us with ease and we don't have to do as much. [01:13:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, how often are we, like, in the shower and, like, we get a download and we get clarity on something. You know what I mean? Or like, we're doing something so random and it's like, oh, wow. It's because we're not in this higher state of stress trying to figure it out, creating all this resistance. Because, as we know, like, our. Our brain has multiple parts and we've got our lizard brain in the back is the amygdala. When we're in survival stress, fight or fight, it shuts down the prefrontal cortex. We're not reasoning, we're not seeing solutions, we're not able to compromise, we're not able to co create. Like, we're just in survival mode, that lizard brain is activated. And so it's exactly what you're saying was, like, we have to really practice reconnecting in. Otherwise, like, we're not going to be able to connect with that energy anywhere within our own selves because it's probably already there. Like you're saying, get the download. Like, we were just completely cut off from it. And I think from that, like, going back a little bit to the I don't know, aspect, what I actually received when we're talking about it, it was more of a thing of I don't trust myself. That's more of what I don't know means. And so I was like, that's interesting. I figured I would share that because for those that say that, where they're like, I don't know, I don't know, let's. Let's be honest with ourselves. About what's actually coming up. It's, I don't trust myself. I don't trust myself. So it's okay. No judgment. We'll observe this. But why don't we trust ourselves? How can we do things differently? What can we start doing so that we can start trusting our actions, start trusting our intuition? That is what's going to help us move into a space of feeling confident, moving forward with the guidance. And I think that that is exactly what you're saying is, like, reconnecting into the body. That's how when we're fully separated from it, always in stress. Yeah, of course we can't trust ourselves because we know on a level that we're being guided by ego and fear. Like, we don't want to, like, don't listen to that. Like, so we know that intuitively on a level, but if we want to shift out of that, then we've got to kind of be honest with ourselves where we are so that we can truly recalibrate into the right energy. [01:16:22] Speaker B: Yes. Radical honesty is something that I, like, preach really hard with my clients. I'm like, say what's really going on? Radically honest with ourselves. And so often we're not. You know, so often we like to make excuses. We like to be the victim. We like to keep ourselves separate from the real issues. And when we're like, actually, if I'm radically honest with myself, like, I don't trust myself. And, like, bringing that to our awareness, sometimes that's all you need is the awareness. And the second you have the awareness, it's, like, healed, you know, it's like you can go back to the root, like a win and do the reparenting and all that stuff. Inner child, it's like, when was the first time that you remember, you know, you felt like you couldn't trust yourself. [01:17:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:14] Speaker B: You know, it's like, inner child work is just as important as everything else that we're talking about here, right? Healing the wounded, inner child. Healing the, like, mother father wound of, like, the things that you grew up with that. That you learned that aren't sustaining you or that are your biggest blocks now, right, based on beliefs that you've been taught or whatnot. And so it's like, when we're really looking at that stuff and understanding it, it's like the awareness around it is. It's like the wound makes the medicine, right? It's the thing that's blocking you. It's the thing that sabotage the magic. [01:17:49] Speaker A: Is in the wound. [01:17:50] Speaker B: Like, it's in there. It's in there, but you have to be radically honest and you have to go there. [01:17:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Otherwise you can't see it. [01:17:58] Speaker B: And then once you do, you notice that you're like, oh, that seemed like a really big monster that I didn't want to face. And then you realize like, oh, that's just like my inner child that's really sad about this and I need to just give my inner child love and let them know that they can trust themselves and that they can trust their intuition and that they can be this authentic version of themselves that got shut down at this young age. And it's like once you do that, it's like everything else just kind of resets. [01:18:31] Speaker A: Oh, now it makes sense. And suddenly I'm free from it. Like it's wild. But it doesn't happen until we can actually just be honest. Like even saying, like, well, honestly, I didn't do it because it wasn't that important. I didn't do it because I'm scared. I didn't do it because like, if we can just start being really honest with ourselves, then we can actually find the solutions. But if we're trying to make excuses and like self gaslight, that's how we just stay in the loop. And it's like, okay, we'll go anywhere there. So it's got to be this like radical accountability account. [01:19:04] Speaker B: That's exactly what I was gonna say. I was like, it's radical honesty plus radical accountability. [01:19:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:10] Speaker B: In order to equal success and to get to the point that you actually want to be at, because again, you have to become a different person than you are now. [01:19:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:19] Speaker B: Like, what's that saying? If you expect anything different by doing the same thing over and over again. Yeah. It's like nothing's going to change unless you change. And so often it's like you have to change at like a cellular level. And by changing at a cellular level, you have to be willing to look at the things you don't want to look at. You have to be radically honest with yourself and you have to take radical accountability for your life and what it is that you've created in it. Because you have co created it. You are part of why you are at where you're at. And if you're not willing to take responsibility and accountability for that and to instill the towering necessary, then you're never going to get to where you want to go. [01:20:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:07] Speaker B: Period. [01:20:07] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's that program too to like, really to disempower humanity, especially the feminine. But it's like, you know, the more we can look at ourselves as victimized by something outside of ourself, instead of turning in and going, ooh, by making these choices or continuing to show up in this way, I'm perpetuating this x, y, z. You know, that's where the true power is, is for us to recognize and say, wow, you know, in order for me to get a different result, I do have to be showing up differently, and I can't be honest with myself about that until I'm really willing to take a hard look at how I'm showing up. [01:20:48] Speaker B: Right. And I'm so glad you brought up power because really, that is what equals personal power, is the radical accountability and the radical acceptance for, like, your part in it and then the radical honesty. And so when we're, like, even saying, I don't know, you're literally giving your power away by saying, yeah, and like, when you let outside circumstances really dictate your inner peace and what you're doing in your business and in the world, if you let that get you down, you're again giving your power away. [01:21:25] Speaker A: Yes. [01:21:25] Speaker B: You're saying, like, oh, this metric or what I'm, this lack of return on investment of, like, reflection is a reflection on, like, me and my value and worth. And so I'm gonna, like, stop. It's like you're literally saying I have no power anymore. Yeah. You know, it really is. You can be your own worst enemy, but when you're standing in your personal power and you're committed to yourself and you're taking radical responsibility, taking radical accountability, and you're looking at, and taking action, it's like, really, these are the keys to not only your own personal power and sovereignty, but understanding that, like, be all and end all, not only your own success, but the success of your business, it doesn't matter. It almost doesn't even matter what you're doing. Right. It's like, it really just matters that you're taking the accountability, you're taking the action. [01:22:25] Speaker A: You're trying to make it better. [01:22:29] Speaker B: It's just you against you. [01:22:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:22:31] Speaker B: Like, it's really that. Yeah. [01:22:34] Speaker A: Looking at it, being honest again with metrics, with feedback, with data, with everything, and just looking at it, being completely just honest about it, looking at it from an objective observation and say, how can I just make this better? Like, each video, how can I make each video better? Can I slow down? Can I talk faster? Can I make it shorter? Can I make it more concise? Do I add music? Do I. It doesn't matter. Like, what can you do to just try to make it better? And if that's what we're focusing on every day and being honest with ourselves about where we are and why we're there, and we wanted to say, okay, I'm going to take action and just try to make it better every single day. [01:23:21] Speaker B: Sometimes you might need to pivot. Yeah. And sometimes you might need to be like, oh, this can be better. If. Or I can see I've been outputting this type of content for a while, like a month or two, and it's like, not getting any traction. Yeah, it's like maybe I need to pivot on, like, how I'm talking about this or on the format in which I'm talking about this sharing. Right. But it's like only you checking in with yourself and then taking that radical accountability and responsibility for, like, and then tuning in and being like, what needs to change? Again, being in the question, coming out of conclusion and being in the question. Every time you ask a question, it creates this, like, vortex or vacuum and spirit source. The universe will bring you the answers, but you just have to be willing and open to receiving them. And how they come isn't up to you. And they may not come instantly. It may come through, you know, a podcast, surrender expectation. Yeah. Somebody else that you're like, having a conversation with, and then they like, say something, you're like, oh, my God, that's what I needed to hear. Okay, I'm gonna go run and instill this here. You know, like, but you just have to be in the awareness more than anything, I think. [01:24:41] Speaker A: I think so. Yeah. I love it. I feel like we could talk for like the entire day. So I just saw the time. I'm like, oh, my gosh, we're almost at an hour and a half. [01:24:49] Speaker B: I know. [01:24:51] Speaker A: I absolutely loved this interview today, and just this co creation and going back and forth with you has been so awesome. I would absolutely love to have all of your links and everything for that. The creatrix program that you said is coming up so people can hop into that if they want to. And then can you share with me, like, your socials and different stuff like that so people can connect with you and any kind of special offer you have going on or anything like that that you want the audience to know about. [01:25:24] Speaker B: Well, I don't know when this is coming out, but I do have a free masterclass called the sacred portal that's coming out October 26. And if you want to join that, you just have to reserve your spot, and that is linked in my website, Priscilla bernstein.com. and then on TikTok, I am the sole alignment specialist on Instagram. I am Priscilla Bernstein and I have a podcast called the Sacred Path with Priscilla Bernstein and the untamed creatrix is my mastermind. Coming up at the end of the month and in this, we're going to be working eight weeks together with female entrepreneurs that are either have a lot of creative ideas that they're wanting to implement and create a business around and a brand and like we were talking about earlier, creating some sort of like signature offer or those that are already in business that are wanting to expand and elevate their business and create more of that back end masculine structure and wanting more of that kind of leverage to get them to the next level. So that will be starting at the end of October. And I'm just really excited for that. I'm only opening it up to, I think, eleven women because I want to keep it intimate. But that is all linked in the, on my website. And yeah, if you'd like to even join my vip soul tribe, you can invest. It's very minimal. A subscription basis or there's like a free aspect of it. You don't get as much in the free aspect, but that's patreon.com Priscilla Bernstein. [01:27:07] Speaker A: So we'll make sure I'll get all those and include them in the description so where you can have all the clickable links. I know how I am. If I'm like trying to type it in, there's always one little thing that I get wrong. I'm like, oh, what's going on? So yeah, we'll get all those. [01:27:24] Speaker B: And I love this. I'd love to offer a discount from anybody that comes from your podcast into the untamed creatrix. If that's something that is resonating with you, that would be awesome. [01:27:44] Speaker A: Yeah, we can chat about how that would look and then we'll make sure to include the coupon or the special link in the description. So in this one question I've been trying to ask everybody, if I can remember, in your view and your opinion, what does success look like? [01:28:06] Speaker B: That question to me, success really looks like the independence and freedom to truly be and accept yourself for who you are and what you're sharing in the world and really be able to like, stand on business for who you are and what you're doing in the world. Like that, to me, is true success like that, you have no regrets or no hang ups, really. You know, I know it's kind of a very human aspect to have those things. But at the same time, really stepping into this sovereignty, you know, creates this sense of freedom within you that you can just be who you are and share what you want and be your most authentic self and know that the right people will find you and you'll gain your soul tribe from that. And to me, that that is true success. [01:29:02] Speaker A: Awesome. Thank you. Thank you for sharing. [01:29:04] Speaker B: You're welcome. [01:29:05] Speaker A: Thank you having you here. And we will see everyone soon.

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