Complete Guide to Chakras and Energy Healing: Understanding & Balancing Your 7 Chakras

Episode 8 September 30, 2024 00:58:55
Complete Guide to Chakras and Energy Healing: Understanding & Balancing Your 7 Chakras
The Intuitive Femme Network
Complete Guide to Chakras and Energy Healing: Understanding & Balancing Your 7 Chakras

Sep 30 2024 | 00:58:55


Show Notes

NOTE: Apologies for the minor connectivity issues - the information was too valuable not to share. 

Welcome to The Intuitive Femme Network Podcast Episode 8 with Nancy Cooper with special guest Shweta Chatterjee

In this episode, Complete Guide to Chakras and Energy Healing: Understanding & Balancing Your 7 Chakras, we dive deep into the world of chakras and energy healing. I walk you through each of the seven chakras, from the Root to the Crown, explaining their significance, how they affect your physical and emotional well-being, and the importance of keeping them balanced. Whether you're new to energy work or looking to deepen your practice, this video provides valuable insights into understanding and healing your energy centers. Plus, I introduce Shweta's Healing Program: Heal and Grow, a powerful journey toward energetic alignment and personal transformation.

Key Topics Covered:




00:00 Introduction to Chakras and Energy Healing

03:02 Understanding the Root Chakra

05:59 Exploring the Sacral Chakra

09:00 The Solar Plexus Chakra

11:56 The Heart Chakra

16:54 The Throat Chakra

20:52 The Third Eye Chakra

33:23 The Crown Chakra

41:18 The Importance of Balancing Chakras

44:01 Shweta's Healing Program: Heal and Grow









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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Of the intuitive femme network. We are so blessed to have our guest today. This is the beautiful shweta, and she is going to be educating us all about the chakras and giving us some really, really important information on how we can know if we have blockages in our chakras and maybe some tips on what to do about it. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? [00:00:39] Speaker B: Hi. Hi, Nancy. It's so lovely to be here. Thank you for having me here. And, yeah, so I am Shweta, and I am a Reiki healer. So, of course, Reiki is all about energy healing. And so that's where chakra comes in the picture. I'm also a pranic healer. Pranic healing is also about chakra balancing. So I am a lot into healing. And simultaneously, I'm also a yoga teacher. I also teach yoga, and I am also a tarot reader numerologist. So there are many things that I work on, and chakra is something that's kind of common in everything that I do. Right? Like, everything that I do. The one thing that's common is chakras. So this is the main reason why I have decided to focus on chakras, because I kind of can then stem into anything that I, or other branch into anything that I want to do from here. Okay. So that's the main reason that I've focused on chakras. And so let me tell you a little bit about chakras. Chakras are basically energy centers, like we know, and they are located in all over our body. But we focus on seven of the major chakras, which are root chakra, which is the sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat, third eye, and the crown chakra. These are the major chakras that we focus on. And chakras are basically. So we basically manifest things in our energy world before they are manifested in the physical world. Okay? So that's why when you understand about chakras and when you can heal them or balance them, you can also actually avoid from a lot of things, physicalizing, right? Like, let's say you might fall sick three, four days later, but if you keep your chakras balanced and cleansed, then you don't fall sick four days later. Because some things are, like, predetermined. Some things are just going to happen, you know? So when you have your chakras balanced, what happens is even if you do fall sick, it will be really like just a sneeze or just a little bit of you know, uneasiness, but it can really be avoided when you keep your chakras balanced, because everything is manifested in the energy world first and then the physical world. So that's the amazing thing about chakras. [00:03:00] Speaker A: Wow. [00:03:00] Speaker B: And so let me tell you. Yeah, let me tell you a little more about each of the chakras. So I will tell you a little. [00:03:10] Speaker A: Bit, but not enough. So please, for those, for me and for those that are like, okay, I've heard about these, but what exactly are they? How do they work? Please educate us. [00:03:24] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. So let's start with the root chakra. Because that's at the base of our spine, and that's literally like the foundation, right? Like, that's the human foundation. And if your root chakra, I mean, the root chakra quality is survival instinct. Our root chakra is what makes us kind of like, you know, it is what? When it's balanced, your survival instincts are really high and really good. So let's say root chakra is about the basic necessities of our life. Money to survive. I'm not talking about money to, you know, like, big money. I'm talking about just money to survive. So that's root chakra. So a lot of people, again, who constantly think about money, but they think about the small things, like, oh, am I going to be able to pay rent or am I going to be able to pay for my food tomorrow? You know, things like that, they're surviving on their root chakra. Okay. And when you normally have a blocked root chakra is when you have fear about these things. Like, will I be able to. Will I have enough money for tomorrow? Will I be able to pay the rent? Right? Because these are survival things. These are not, like, major things to worry or think about, right? I mean, they are major things to worry about, but they are not, like, you're not talking about. Yeah. So root chakra is survival. And so if you have a balanced root chakra, you normally are able to make money effortlessly for survival. You don't have fear of basic necessities in life. You also, root chakra is linked to taking actions, right? So a lot of times, like, you might plan a lot of things, but you're unable to take that action, the physical action that is root chakra. So again, if your root chakra is blocked, you're not able to take any action. You're like, you plan everything and you sit and. And then you're like, okay, I have to actually get up and do it now. You will not do it, right? So that's so root chakra is very physical. And if you're not grounded, then of course there are going to be major health issues because health is with root chakra. Your blood is root chakra, you know? So root chakra is definitely the foundation and the main chakra, one of the, I mean, all the seven chakras are equally important, but you always have to start from the bottom, like from the foundation. So working first on your root chakra is extremely important. [00:05:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:54] Speaker B: So that's about root chakra. Do you want me to go to the next one? Okay, so the next one is the sacral chakra, which is also known as the sex chakra. And it is primarily for desire. Right? It's for creation, it's for lower creativity. So sacral chakra is extremely important for people to have an emotional balance. Like if, you know, most of our hormones, most of our organs, like feminine organs or male organs are associated with sacral chakra. Okay? So therefore the creation, like when you're creating a baby and that's still a lower chakra because you don't need rocket science to create a baby, right? So that's your sacral chakra. Imbalances there can have issues with, you know, people conceiving. That can be a problem or they have a lot of emotional imbalance. So they feel really sad all the time. They're very unhappy. They feel like their basic desires are not meth, whether it's physical need or whether it's just someone, you know, like buying them flowers. And they could like, oh, no, didn't buy me flowers. I'm going to cry about this the whole day. You know, that's like an imbalance in cycle chakra because your hormones are imbalanced. And so you're emotionally kind of not grounded, you know, so that's. And of course, there are the physical aspect of it. There's the mental. There are many layers to every chakra. It's not just the physical, the physical layer, but there are different layers as well. So this is, this is like how sacral chakra works, you know? So like I said, you need it to be balanced. Otherwise, even if you have a good survival instinct. But if you're really sad in life, like, what's the point, right? Like the basic, the basic desires in life, you know, like, for instance, if your sacral chakra is balanced and you have, like, you want to do something and you just go ahead and do it, you don't feel like, oh, this person didn't do it for me. So I'm going to cry about it for, like, the next two days. Oh, I wanted to go out and eat, and he didn't even think about taking me to my favorite restaurant. I'm going to cry about this. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra will fulfill their own desires. They don't need someone else to fulfill it for them, you know? So it's extremely powerful. Right. And again, lower creation, like we were talking about, manifestation. [00:08:32] Speaker A: Yeah. You can see the connection, too, between and the sacral. I pronounce it sacral. So I can. Forgive me for that. [00:08:42] Speaker B: That's fine. [00:08:42] Speaker A: That's really important that they're both balanced, because if I. The root is off and we can't take action, we're definitely not going to be able to fulfill our own desires because we won't take action towards fulfilling those. So it's making sense how it kind of builds on itself. It's very interesting. [00:09:07] Speaker B: Yeah, they're all like layer wise. Right? Like your physical plane is your. I mean, if you look at it that way, it's like the root chakra takes care of your physical aspect. Your sacral chakra is taking care of your emotional aspect. And then it comes to the solar Plexus, which is the eye center. Solar plexus is the eye center. It's the confidence center. Right. So, like, when you want to be a good businessman, if you want to kind of take really bold and big actions, that is the solar plexus. So like I said, you know, root chakra is where you have your necessities in life. But people who live strongly within their solar plexus, they are the ones who do big things in life. They are the ones who have the biggest businesses. They have a lot of confidence. They have a lot of courage. That's like a strong solar plexus. But the downside is that there could be a lot of arrogance. If there is no balance, then there could be a lot of arrogance, there could be a lot of bitterness, a lot of selfishness, jealousy. So these kind of attributes have come about when it's imbalanced and when it's balanced, you can do great things in life. You have the confidence, you have the power, but you don't misuse your power, you know, which is why you need all these chakras to be balanced. Because even if you have a healthy. You feel like you have healthy chakras because you are living like a fairly good life. But maybe you don't have a balance where you're also mindful, where you are also, you know, kind of you understand how to live in a community. You understand how to give back. You don't, you know, like sometimes we like, okay, my sacral chakra is balanced. I feel desire for myself. I'm doing everything for myself. But maybe at some point of time we get a little selfish and we don't realize that I also need to kind of share this with someone else. Right? I like my desires. I could fulfill it myself, but it is always nice when you kind of give it back as well. So balancing these are extremely important on many levels. It's not just like, for, you know, like it could be depleted or overactive. So you don't want, you want it to be like, just perfect, I guess. [00:11:32] Speaker A: In the sacral chakra. And overactive would almost be like that toxic femininity where it's like, I don't need anyone. I can do everything on my own. I can, you know, kind of having a struggle of receiving support because we've gotten ourselves into this kind of toxic feminine energy of hyper independence and which isn't a good thing either. That's how we're going to burn out, you know, it's not true. And as you're talking, it sounds like the solar plexus. If that's overactive, it's making me think of maybe people that display a little bit of like, narcissistic tendencies where it's that belief and feeling of, you know, I can do everything, I'm only accountable to myself and I don't need to worry about anybody else or anyone else's feelings. Like that kind of, it's like they're kind of overly confident in themselves. Even though we know that that personality behavior is like a massive, like, not confident, but it kind of, it almost seems like that. Is that, is that kind of accurate? [00:12:45] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. What you're saying is completely. It's exactly what it is. Like, but also the thing is that, like I said before, that every chakra is kind of dependent on the other, right? So if you have an imbalance in any of the chakras, it reflects in some way or the other in the other chakras, you know? So that's why it's extremely, like, it's extremely important to have balanced chakras. And unfortunately, the thing is that energy is something that a lot of people think is woohoo. Like, they think, like, really? Does it work this way? Does it work that way? You know, I mean, I came from the same mindset, right? Like when I, before I started healing, I was someone who would have never ever thought that I would be a healer in this lifetime, okay? And I literally, like, went just for a random session, like, where these people had come and it was pranic healing, and they came and they're like, do you have any issues with health? Like, that happened right now? And if you did have, if you do have something, we can clear it for you. And I had, I had just started having this knee pain because I was doing a lot of yoga at that point of time. And I said, yeah, I have knee pain, you know, and this knee pain was going on for like three months. So it's not something that was like a day or two old. It was like going on for three months. And they literally healed me, like, not more than five minutes. And this was eight, nine years back, and I have not got the pain back yet. You know, that's how powerful energy healing is. Yeah. So it's like, you know that you, when you kind of start to understand energy healing, when you experience it, you really understand how amazing it can be. You know, there is, of course, this physical benefit. Like when you do healing on for physical pain, it works. But when you work on all the other levels as well, like your emotional, your mental, your energy, your, you know, your spiritual plane, when you work on all these levels, you go down to your karmic level of healing yourself. You know, you literally, like, you can get down to the karmic level of healing yourself. Yeah. So it's really powerful. It's really powerful. And these three chakras, the root sacral and the solar plexus, are the three main chakras for the physical self. You know, the rest of it is more of energy and spiritual. But these three need to be extremely balanced to have a good physical, like a good life, you know, the external life. Like, if you don't go internal, the external life, you need to have really balanced these chakras so that your external life is beautiful. Like, you have money, you have good family life, you have your desires met, you have your health in place. For all these to be for the external world, like for the outside world, it's extremely important to have these three balanced, you know, and then, of course, then there is the heart chakra with, which is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, you know, like, you know, some people, when you see them and you're like, hey, they have money and they are really happy in their, in their relationships, they are really, really healthy. And at the same time, they are successful in whatever that they do, whether it's their business or their jobs. And, you know, there's just that overall satisfaction. So that is all. These three lower chakras are working great. [00:16:21] Speaker A: Okay? [00:16:21] Speaker B: Right. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:22] Speaker B: But when you start working on the higher chakras, like, once you get to heart chakra and above, then even your spiritual world starts to. Starts to become really, really amazing. You know, it's not just the external, but you live a more conscious life. Like, you live a more we centered life. Like a philanthropist, you give back a lot more. You go beyond I. You go. You go to we, and you go to helping people out and doing more with what you have instead of just focusing on yourself. So for that to happen, you need to go on the higher chakras. You know, when your higher chakras are balanced, then you kind of live a very fulfilled life, like a very all rounded life. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:15] Speaker B: You know? [00:17:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:16] Speaker B: So, like, when you come to the heart chakra, heart chakra is all about Vcenter. It is love. You know, it is like giving back, compassionate. It is. It is to love and of course, to love, like sacral chakra is love, like desire love, like lust love. But heart chakra is like. Like love, like pure love, like what a mother feels for her child. You know, that's like heart chakra. Okay, so imbalanced heart chakra can, like, people who have a lot of grief, like, they feel like they have been betrayed in life, you know, especially from loved ones. They normally have a blocked heart chakra. [00:17:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:59] Speaker B: And these people, they have a lot of suffering in terms of they could have breathing issues, they could have asthmas, you know, like heart and lung related issues physically. And of course, like, if you have a blocked heart chakra, automatically your energy will not be going up. So you end up really living in the lower energies. So having an open heart chakra is extremely important. So again, like, when you learn about it, when you learn about all the chakras, then you realize how important it is to balance all the chakras. Because one imbalance, like, someone with a really strong and congested solar plexus chakra, will have a affected heart chakra. Right. Because they are so I centered. They are all about I me, what I want that they don't. Yeah. They don't go to the we. They don't go to the giving part of it at all. [00:19:00] Speaker A: I mean, it makes sense. Again, it's like the energy is going to go from the start, the foundation and up. And so with those blockages, we're able to see how these are kind of expressing in life, but in emotions and emotional maturity and lots of things like that. So it's really, really fascinating to see how it is. It's really all connected in that way. [00:19:25] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. It is. And it's. I'm telling you, like, because I'm someone who was never aware of this and from that, to be teaching this today, I feel so lucky and at the same time, grateful that I have been, you know, I've been allowed this. I've been. I've got the permission to understand about chakra so deeply because it's literally like the door to your inner world, you know? And once you can tap into it, then your intuition, your just the decisions that you make. Like, we talk about detachment so easily, but to really experience it, you need to kind of, you know, go deeper, beyond the physical world. And that's when you can really understand detachment and you really know how to kind of live your life without external factors affecting it, you know? But for that, your energy centers really, really need to be clean and purified so that you can get to that level of understanding other, you know, other very subtle, subtle philosophy or spiritual talks that, you know, like, if I. If I tell you something spiritually, like, about spiritual stuff, like, let's say detachment, it sounds very easy, or it sounds like, yeah, we should this, and, you know, but to actually go ahead and to experience detachment, it's a different thing. [00:20:58] Speaker A: Yeah. You know, very different. [00:21:00] Speaker B: And for that, healthy chakra is very, very important. Yeah. [00:21:05] Speaker A: So, interesting. [00:21:06] Speaker B: So, yeah, so that's the heart chakra and then the throat. Yeah. So the throat chakra is, of course, for communication, and it's for higher. You want to. Sorry. So throat chakra is for higher creativity. So people who want to plan things, people who do creative stuff, like really high end creative work, like, let's say directors, actors, scriptwriters, or even authors and so on and so forth. Right. Anybody who creates certain things, like even technology, but someone who is really good with creative skills, they have a very good, strong throat chakra. Okay. And again, of course, throat chakra is communication. So, yeah, so even. Even though you're creative, if you are not careful about, like, someone with a really overactive throat chakra could end up saying some really nasty things and hurting people. You know, like, they would not have a way of kind of controlling their communication. It's different than solar plexus because it's not like they are eye centered. But let's say they want to say something to you, they will maybe abuse you and say, you know, like they. A lot of people have this habit of using abusive words when they are saying something and they might, like, just say to you, like, you know, you're an idiot, you don't understand anything about. But it's not that they are eye centered. It's just that they don't know how to communicate. Their communication is blocked in a way, or also the other way around where people are not able to communicate at all. Right? Like, they are not able to express themselves. Like, when they go through, you know, so that's, again, throat chakra. And these people will constantly have throat issues. Like, they will have some kind of pain, they will have cough, they will have irritation, you know, so throat chakra. Or they can have, like, ulcers, mouth ulcers and stuff like that, you know, like, I. Because they have a blocked throat chakra. So, yeah, even thyroid problems, people who have thyroid problems, it's because of their throat chakra being blocked, right? So, yeah, yeah. So, like, throat chakra is extremely important for higher creativity. Higher creativity, communication. And communication, again, when you speak about it from the spiritual world, it's like what I am doing right now, to be able to express myself and to be able to express, let's say, a teacher needs a really good throat chakra so that they can communicate and simplify the teachings. You know, like, I could. I could say something of the same level in a very high, like, if something that will go over your head, because it's like, what, what was that word? And what is she trying to say? You know? But someone with a good throat chakra will. Will be able to communicate and simplify the information. So that's, again, another sign of a good, you know, healthy throat chakra. And normally singers, teachers, people who like, who host really big events, you know, people who like for yourself as well, you know, you will have, like, a good throat chakra because you're in the creative field. You are. It's about communication. You have a podcast, so obviously, your throat chakra is very active. And so that's a good thing here. [00:24:32] Speaker A: A lot, a lot of times, women are constantly, like, clearing their throats. It's a really interesting thing that I've kind of noticed more where it's like this need to clear the throat. And I've been wondering about that, where it almost seems like there's a block in that space energetically, because we've been keeping our voice quiet, we've been holding back so much, especially as the feminine thinking that we're not allowed to say what we want, we're not supposed to speak up. We're not supposed to really be seen. And so we're healing a lot of that energy around that concept. And so this. This throat feels very blocked. And then it's those same feminine. From this example that it's like once they get to a point, they just kind of explode. It's like they. It's like one or the other where it's like I either just don't say anything, or I just get so far to this point where I just start screaming. I just, like, they're just explosive because it's, like, been so pent up and stuck in there. So is this kind of what, what we're looking at with this imbalanced throat chakra? [00:25:53] Speaker B: Yes, yes, absolutely. So if it's imbalanced, or rather if it's depleted, then this is what you go through. Like, you go through this blockage and you feel, like, really heavy around your throat, and it's something that you kind of. It happens over years and years and years, and then you. You kind of have really, like, you. You just feel uncomfortable, right? And you constantly have, like, issues with. With coughing and, you know, like mucus and stuff like that, right? So, yeah, so throat chakra is, like you said, because we are unable to express ourselves, and we keep things stuck here. It literally gets stuck. That's whole chakra. And so that also affects our higher creativity. Right. Like someone who doesn't have the ability to express themselves wholly, you will normally see they're very timid. And so if you're timid, then automatically your solar plexus is affected. And if your solar plexus is not affected and you're timid because you're unable to say, then you have a lot of anger issues because your solar plexus is active and you're not able to express. And so you have, like, a massive anger issue. And where, you know, it could manifest into. Yeah, it could manifest into acidity. It could manifest into chronic. Chronic acidity. It could manifest into heartburns. It could manifest into many, many different issues. Right? Like, because your solar plexus is fire. So imagine the fire element can burn you if you don't take care of it. So your throat chakra needs to be balanced. It's like I said, all the chakras, you have to work on all of them. Otherwise, one imbalance, like I said, now can go down, down, down and start affecting the other chakras. So, yeah, to express yourself, extremely important, right? Yeah. The communication is extremely important, especially in today's time and age. Like, a lot of people, you will see, they keep saying that I am. I'm not able to record myself, like, for, let's say, insta or for, you know, like social media. A lot of people have this fear. [00:27:58] Speaker A: Yes. [00:27:58] Speaker B: So that's their solar plexus and throat blocked. So they don't have confidence and that is causing them to not show their creativity out there. And so that causes, like, blockage in their throat. See, like, if you just clear your chakras, you will automatically find that you have the confidence to kind of do a lot of things you're not able to do. That is how powerful it is, you know, when you have balanced chakras. [00:28:24] Speaker A: Women talk about in the coaching space where they struggle a lot with their content. I don't know what to say. I'm afraid of saying the wrong things. And so it's interesting because we think, well, I'm using my voice right now to speak, but our content and our sales copy, our posts that we make, all of that, I'm assuming it's still coming from our voice. And so if we're feeling these blockages and these struggles with actually sharing our truth and our authenticity, it sounds like. Would that be underactive? Is that a block in that way? [00:29:02] Speaker B: Yes, underactive. If you're not able to express yourself and like I said, overactive when you communicate, but. But you don't, like, you don't have control over what you're saying. You kind of are rude with the way you sound. You know, you might sound, like, really harsh because you are, you know, you have that your communication could be, like, blocked in not blocked, but you could be overactive. And that communication kind of comes across as too much like, you know, this is too much. Okay, so throat chakra balance is extremely important, again, especially in today's time and age when everybody wants to do something on social media. Everybody wants to be active. So to be able to be creative, to be able to give, like, stop copying others and have your own creativity, to be able to say what you want, to be able to speak without feeling like, you know, I hear a lot of people say that I don't like the way my voice sounds, and so I don't like to record myself, I don't like to say anything in the video, so on and so forth. So, you know, you. Once you clear your throat chakra and your solar plexus, all of this will start to kind of disappear. Like, you will stop having these kind of issues. Right. [00:30:19] Speaker A: So extremely, extremely important, especially for women and for business women. I mean, that one's essential. [00:30:29] Speaker B: I'm just talking about, like, very basic stuff right now. Like, in my coaching program, of course, I go very, very deep, and I go on many different layers. So if this is sounding like, oh, I didn't know this, then when you do my coaching program, it kind of opens up a, you know, like, oh, my God, all of this, you know? So, yeah, so that's why, you know, when you understand chakras and, you know chakras, you get to know yourself much better. Like, forget about everything else, but you just get to know where you're functioning from. Where do you need to work on what are your, you know, like, we know ourselves the best, you know, but we don't know why we are going through certain things in life, why I'm not able to do certain things in life. And once you understand about chakras and the energies, you kind of realize that, oh, okay, this is why. All right. This is how I can get out of it, okay. If I do this, I can solve this issue that I have. You know, it's that powerful. And when you work on the energy level, what happens is in the beginning, you might not feel like that much of a change, but like I said, you manifest first in your energy world, and then it comes out in your physical world. So the transformation is happening within. But sometimes for it to be reflected out, for it to be, like, visible to others and yourself in the physical world, it might take a little longer, but the change starts to happen from within. Right? Like, I just tell you a short, small thing that happened recently. Like, I'm doing the coaching program right now. There is. We are, like, midway in one, and I'm going to launch a second one very soon. But the first one, one of my clients, she keep. She kept saying that, you know, I just want to fly. I don't want any responsibilities, and I don't really care about anything. I just want to, you know, like, be spiritual and be on that journey. And then we did, like, the first. The first healing was the root chakra. And in three days, the same person told me that, hey, you know what? I've been thinking. I've learned all of these things. How do I turn this into business? Like, how do I make this into something that can be lucrative for me? Like, more? How can I start giving others as well, you know? So this thing happened, which is cleansing the root chakra. She started feeling grounded, right? And, like, she has kids and stuff like that, so she felt really confused. She was like, I don't know. I mean, I have kids, and I want to fly away. I don't know if it's right, but I don't know what to do. And just, like, one session, and she was, you know, talking about, and she didn't realize it, and I pointed it out to her, and she was like, oh, my God. Yeah. Like, three months back, four months back, all I wanted to do was fly away. And now I'm actually thinking about starting a business. And, you know, like, it's the feeling of being grounded. Like, let's do some work now, you know? So that's how powerful energy healing is. You don't realize because it's very subtle. The way things happen is very subtle. But these are, like, some of the changes that come about immediately. So. So, yeah, it's really powerful, you know? And, of course, then it's the Ajna chakra, which is the third eye intuition. Like higher intuition. Okay. This is higher. This is higher will as well. This is lower will. This is eye center. Lower will. This is higher will. Higher will is when it comes to what I was talking about. Right. Like, when you have a problem in your life, okay? And so either you. You do something about it, and if it's not in your hands, you have to let it go. Right? But most of the time, we can't create that awareness. We don't know when to let go and when to actually realize that, okay, I can do something about it. So when you have, like, your. When your third eye is really strong, you are able to have the willpower to kind of let go of certain things because you are able to practice that. You know, the practicing, the letting go becomes very easy. When you have very strong willpower in terms of the third eye, the higher will, you know, the higher will is linked to more of spiritual. Yeah. Like, philosophies and spiritual aspect. That is your higher will. So when you have your ajna chakra, which is strong, of course, you can manifest. Like, if. If you can manifest so much with your lower will, imagine how much you can do with your higher will, right? But higher will is, of course, like. It's like third eye, right? Like, if that's active, you can. You can. You can even see your future. If it's really, really open, you can see your future. You can. You can, like, have complete control of your life. You can know when and where you are headed and how to go about it, you know? So that's why the third eye chakra is extremely important. And in fact, in. Especially in India, people are very focused on the third eye, very focused, because, like that. That's the. That's the chakra that kind of opens up the inner world, you know, opens up to your inner world. But at the same time, without balancing your lower chakras, if you just focus here, you're going to be. It's going to be very messed up. Very, very messed up. So you want to fly away kind of safely, open your. Yeah, I mean, you want to fly away. Exactly. You want to fly away. And more than that, what happens is imagine. Imagine having intuitive power. Imagine having the ability to manifest anything, but without love aspect, without having your eyes and balanced, without having your sacral desires in place. If all the other chakras are blocked and you just open this, then you are going to make a mess out of everything that you want in life and everything that you, you know, like, that you do. You see for yourself. So, honestly, like, it's not. It's. Yeah, like, to open, like, the third eye is. It's not. I will not say it's difficult, but it shouldn't be the goal. It should just happen, like, naturally. It should just happen organic, like, you know, go with the flow, but go one chakra at a time. Focus on them, heal them, energize them, charge them, and then keep going higher and higher safely so that everything is balanced the way it should be. You know, like, once you balance everything the right way, in the right order, then you have, like, a complete life. Then you have, like, you know, like. Yeah, like a perfect mix of everything. And so for humans, I mean, of course, if you go to the spiritual side of it, the spiritual aspect of it, then spirituality is extremely important for humans, you know, otherwise our conscience will be dead. If you're not a spiritual person, I mean, if you. If you don't work on your spirituality, your conscience will slowly, slowly, like, kind of deteriorate, and you just live, like, in the, you know, like the animal. Animal life with that kind of instinct. Yeah. So, yeah, so working on your chakras is super, super amazing, super important. Absolutely. [00:38:08] Speaker A: Any more chakras? [00:38:12] Speaker B: Yeah, there is also the crown chakra, which is on top of our head. This is the. Yeah, this is like the chakra which, once it's open, it's like the whole universe is yours. That's why we don't really work a lot on the crown chakra, because when you work on the crown chakra, it's very difficult to stay grounded because you will want to do everything, which is amazing. It's an amazing feeling. Like, anything that happens, anything that you can do, you will not think of yourself. You will think of everyone. You know, like, let's say Buddha, right? Like, you will think of everyone, all the, all the. All the gods that we have in this entire universe, especially for Indians, because for Hindus, we have many, many gods, right? But everyone is like, soul realized. So when you have an open crown chakra, you are soul realized. Like, you are God realized, soul realized, self realized. So opening the crown chakra is amazing for your spiritual journey, but again, without the balance of the other chakras, when you live in a regular householder, when you have a family to take care of, when you have other responsibilities, and you can't just be on your spiritual path, you need to balance all the chakras, have this experience as well, you know, being one with your family and then being one with everyone else. But the balance is extremely important. And the crown chakra, like I said, is like a vcenter to a different level. Like, it's like, you will never be offended by anything anyone says because you will literally be like, it's okay, you know, it's okay. I mean, it doesn't matter. Nothing will matter to you. You will forgive people like this. You will have, like, you know, absolutely no aggression. You will have zero. Not zero. But your desires are not going to be material desires. Your desires will be spiritual desires. How can I help people? How can I change the world? How can I make people more educated about spirituality, not about any other thing. But when you are, your crown chakra is open. You will want everyone to be, you know, like, blessed. You would want everyone to experience God. And that's the crown chakra. But when it's closed, if it's extremely close, like, we all have, like, some part. A little bit of it is we have that because we have a conscience, right? So we always have a little bit of it open. And if it's completely closed or if it's really, really, like, tiny, then, you know, a lot of people who are. Who think they are spiritual, but they actually are not. They are. They have a lot of differences in life, and they have a lot of opinions and judgments. Then, you know, like, you will kind of have. Yeah. And you're unable to take a lot of energy then, like, a lot of energy from the source is very difficult to absorb when you have a close ground chakra. So, yeah, so crown chakra is extremely. They are all extremely important. But like I said, for us, for, like, the householders, for people who have responsibilities, I believe, work on the first three chakras. The root chakra sacral and the solar plexus, and then definitely the heart and throat. Like, if you can just work on these five chakras majorly, your life is going to be super balanced. Super balanced. And then the third eye and crown is like a bonus. It's like, once you get there, you know how to control and you know how to kind of adjust and manage the. The higher energies in the right way. You know, once the lower chakras are balanced, then you know how to use your intuition. You know when to use your intuition. You. You absorb a lot of information. Very. So if your crown chakra is also open, what happens is that a lot of spiritual teachings, especially spiritual teachings, especially deeper meaning. Right. Will, you can absorb it very quickly. You can absorb it very thoroughly and in a right manner. Like, you'll get the right information. Yeah. So that happens when your crown chakra is open. So it's amazing. I mean, when you understand chakras and depending on where you are in your life right now, chakras will be important. Like, at least a few of the chakras will be super important. And then to have a balanced chakra means, because, like I said, like, I'm talking about just a little. Little bit of aspects, but, like, your crown chakra is linked to your brain, you know? So if your crown chakra is not functioning properly, you could have memory issues. So it's like that. So there are many levels to it. It's not just the spiritual level. It's like the. Every chakra has physical level, every chakra has emotions, every chakra has mental level, energy level. So there are different levels to each chakras. So they are all. They all need to be balanced for one reason or the other. Right. But you have to have them balanced. [00:43:34] Speaker A: So you had mentioned earlier, obviously, we're seeing the importance of this and how it's all connected with, honestly, so many of our goals. I mean, most people that are going to watch this are wanting to either start a business or they're. They're having a business and they're wanting to grow it or scale it. And understanding that, a lot of the blocks that I honestly work with my clients on, a lot, it sounds like they originate a lot of times energetically in these chakras. So this is really fascinating to me. You said earlier that you have a program where you take people kind of through the healing of the chakras. Can you tell us a little bit more about that for anyone who's watching this? And they're like, yeah, for root and sacral and solar plexus. And they're just like, checking them off. Like, all of these are off in some way. And I can feel this. What would you take them through? Can you tell us a little bit about that? [00:44:41] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. So my program is heal and grow. So basically I heal your chakras firstly by giving you information about them on, like I said, all levels, not just like the physical level, not just, okay, root chakra means you, you have bone issues. You know, it's not that. It goes on many different levels. Right. So you start realizing, ah, okay, so this is why this happens, and this is why I go through this physically, and this is why I feel this emotionally, so on and so forth. So when you go to. So I cover, like, one chakra each week, and on the 6th week, I cover the third eye and the crown chakra. And this is the life coaching. Along with that, I give everyone meditation, like weekly meditation, so that they can balance those chakras specifically. Then I give them a lot of tools on how to balance chakras. They are amazing tools and very simple, because I believe that nobody really has the time these days to, like, even my meditations are like three, four minutes long. I don't like to give them half an hour meditation because not everyone will then make the time every day, you know? So if you have like, a three minutes meditation, I know that you can commit to three minutes every day. So I keep short meditations, but super effective. I have tasks that I give on a daily basis. I send them tasks. I am on WhatsApp, because right now all my clients are on WhatsApp. But of course, if I have clients who are not on WhatsApp, then I will find different, you know, different place to be so that they can be, they can connect with me and they can get the information. Yeah. So I give them tasks every day. I send them reminders every day. Yeah, they're working with me. It's an online program. It's a group coaching program. But they are all like, we work together, eat chakra wise. I am a Reiki healer, like I said. So I do reiki healing for each chakra weekly. So, like, when it's root chakra, I heal the root chakra and then the overall chakra. So I focus on root chakra. So what happens when I heal? Doing Reiki healing? When I do the Reiki healing, what happens is your transformation is much, much faster. Like, if I give you all the tools, I give you the meditation, I give you everything. If it takes you, like, let's say, one month to balance your root chakra with the healing. It happens in one week, you know, so it really expedites the process of transformation. So I'm not just giving you information about chakras and tools that you can do by yourself. Yeah. Like, I literally give you the push. I do the healing, and I trans, like, the transformation is so much faster. So, yeah, so, like, I already told you about one of my clients experience. I have been getting feedback like that on a daily, like, rather weekly basis. Right. Like, the changes that they see, the changes they feel the way. And also, like, healing has a structure as well. Right? Like, when. When you have. When you go through healing, imagine if you have accumulated a lot of emotions for years, right? And now I'm trying to heal you of these emotions. I'm trying to release these emotions from you. You will feel a void. You will feel, like, confused. You will feel weird, you know? But that's the thing that when a healer does this for you and you are confused, then I also guide you. Like, okay, you're feeling this. It's because of this. Then you have clarity. You know, why you're going through certain things. Like, a lot of my clients, like, when I heal them, they suddenly felt very sad. You know, they felt like, I feel so light, but I don't feel like doing anything. And that's because they have so much of stuck energy that when they. When it's gone, they kind of can't deal with something that that was part of them. Even though it was negative, it was still part of them. And now they feel, like, weird that it's not there, you know, so they're unable to kind of understand that. So when I explain it to them. Yeah. And then I guide them as to how can you balance that? And when you feel this, what can you do on that kind of level? So, of course, there is counseling as well. And I'm also a tarot reader, so those who are open to tarot counseling, that is super, super amazing because it's really like the inner world. The. The. You know, it's counseling on a very different level because it's. It's like telling you about your energy world, about your past, about whatever it is that you want to find out intuitively. Right. So. So when you. Yeah, so if someone is open to it, then I also counsel them through tarot, and I give them remedies through Tarot. So, yeah, so my coaching program is pretty much a mix of all of this. So it's pretty hard goal. [00:49:53] Speaker A: It's yeah, it's sounds like a program that you've put together for people that are really genuinely wanting to experience radical transformation, you know, and that. I love those types of, when you go in, you're going to come out on the other side a very different version of yourself. And I think it's interesting that you brought up how when you clear this stuff out, how there's almost like this energy of mourning, a loss of, like, this, this past version of us. But so many of us understand that in order to have the life that we want, that takes change, right? And a lot of us fear change because we had instability in our childhoods. So there's that stuck in our body there, right? This instability. I'm not safe from my root chakra, from what you're saying. So we, we feel this, and there's that part of us that doesn't want to let go of what we need to let go of in order to step into that new reality and that new experience because we're so afraid of that shift and that change creating a level of instability. So it sounds like you're able to kind of facilitate your clients moving through that in a very loving manner because they're not really having to force themselves to do it. You're able to help that happen by doing a lot of the energy healing work for them. So that sounds like for those that feel like they're really stuck and really blocked, like, we. We sometimes need that help. Right? We can only go but so far on our own. We all have blind spots for our own stuff. Yeah. So having someone else who can help. [00:51:52] Speaker B: You know, I'm a healer, and still there are times, I was just saying that I'm a healer and still there are times I feel like I need healing from someone else. Because you feel like when you're unable to, you know, get through that point, like, sometimes you reach a point in life because, like, I am on a very different level of not just healing, but spirituality. So for me, a lot of thing is destiny. A lot of it is karmic. So certain things are meant to happen. They will happen. And when you have that extra help, when you have someone pushing you through it, it gets a little easier to go through the experiences because some things are just, they're not in our hands. You know, certain things are just. They just manifest. They just happen. And at that point of time, it's extremely important to realize and understand that you don't have to be all by yourself and that you, you can just have this someone to guide you to understanding why and then to heal you so that you can also understand why and then go through the process and go on the other side without so much of pain and suffering. Because it gets easier when someone heals you. Right? So, yeah, and it's transformative. I mean, once you have the information, there's no going back. You have the information. And then whenever you go through certain issues, because I give them tools and I give them, like, easy ways of how they can manage and keep their chakras balanced. If you just practice these simple things every single day, which doesn't take more than a minute each or each chakra, or max, maybe two, three minutes each chakra, wherever you feel blocked, when you. If you just practice it for a week or something, you're good. You know, you're good. So it's very, very. And there's a lot of things, like with numerology, with the numbers you're born with, right? So when you're not born with certain numbers, then automatically those chakras are blocked. All those chakras suffer. So there's so many levels to this. Yeah, there are many levels to this. Right? So, like, when you add in numerology to this, then you understand, ah, okay, so this is why you go through this, because you automatically, this chakra is not activated because you don't have this number. So you know that this is the reason you're going through the problem. You're going. So, yeah, so to have, like, all your chakras working great, all your numbers getting activated, like, it happens on many, many different levels, you know? And till the time we live, like, in the human level, like, the physical level, we need to keep balancing. We need to keep understanding these things. We need to work on these things, you know? And then, of course, when you reach a spiritual level where nothing matters, it's all right. Whatever has to happen will happen. When you reach that state, then it's a different world altogether. Then you don't need to balance anything. It doesn't matter if it's balanced. [00:54:56] Speaker A: Sure. [00:54:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:54:58] Speaker A: It's interesting because we have to remember, like you're saying, you know, you go through this, but then you give them practices so that they can maintain what was done. And so they continue to hone and work this. It's like the same idea. If we were to go to the gym and get the body that we want and then think, cool, I did it, and now I can just stop. Our energy is the same. Like, we have to maintain it. We have to prioritize our energetics and do that every day because we're constantly being bombarded with environmental and I situations, friendship situations, romantic life situations, all kinds of stuff is constantly coming at us. So taking the time to intentionally regulate our energetics is really, really important, just like it is our physical body health. So I love that you brought that up. It's really, really important for us to remember. [00:56:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And, and it's, it just has to become a habit. You know, like when you repetitively, like, let's say you, you do certain things on a reputation, it becomes a habit and then that goes in your subconscious. So if you can, if, you know, people talk about subconscious and like, it's such a. Oh, my God. Subconscious mind and, you know, and it's nothing but your habits that makes your subconscious mind function or work the way it does. Right. So if you can actually just change your habits, you can change your subconscious. And so the thing is, like, again with the healing, what happens is it's easier to stick to a habit because the healing is done for you. So the feeling of I don't feel like I'm feeling lazy, that goes off. Secondly, on days that maybe you can't do it because you don't have the time, the healing is anyways being done for you. So once the balance is there, you will feel so good in your, you know, like within you that you will in some way continue. Like, of course, people, I have clients who have the money and they just want to get the healing done. But if you want to have control of your own chakras, then you can just take the tools and you can practice them. Right. And I teach like, very simple self healing techniques. So all you need to do is just practice them. So it's as simple as that. It's simple, but at the same time, it's something that's a huge eye opener. Huge eye opener. [00:57:38] Speaker A: The most powerful stuff are those like simple little things. It's like we don't have to really recreate the wheel. We just actually need to support our body and our energetics to hold their natural resonance. And if we can do that, the body and our energy body, they take care of the rest. So it's really just about learning to support our own natural healing. Yeah, that's beautiful. I love that. Well, thank you so, so, so much for being on today. This was really, really informative. I loved it. We'll make sure that we're going to get the link to put in the description about your program. For those that want to hop inside that with you I also make sure that we put down any links to your social media or your website or anything like that. For anyone who wants to learn more about you and connect with you to do any future work. It sounds like they would be in very, very good hands. And I really appreciate you taking the time to educate the audience on something that I think we hear a lot. Thank you. [00:58:43] Speaker B: Thank you so much. [00:58:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yours. But we. We don't understand much. So you really helped with that. So thank you. [00:58:54] Speaker B: Thank you. Excuse me. [00:58:59] Speaker A: Still there. If you can hear me, I ended it. It's just. It's like, trying to process. Yeah, the recording has stopped. I don't know why. Like, the delay, it was really rough. I think that we both, like, worked through it as best we could. Usually it'll go through its own editing and it'll kind of fix all of that, but this was rough for us. [00:59:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Because I felt the same thing. I was, like, wondering whether it's going to be a problem for you, because when you were saying, I think it came, like, a minute later or something, or a few seconds later. So I was still talking, so it was. Yeah. But I also wanted to ask, like, how do I contact you? Because I just have your email id, but I'm not sure if you check that, if that's just for you sending out emails or do you also check your email id, like, for the email sent to you? Like, how do you communicate after this? Yeah, I'm on Facebook. I'm on Insta. So also, if you can just mention, like, what are. I think there's some connection issues now. There's some connection issue now. I think it's going, like, really? I'll wait for your email and I'll reply to you because I hope so. Should I leave then? And you can send me the details on email. So I have to be here when you're uploading this.

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