Unlocking Past Lives, Higher Dimensions & the Science of Consciousness with Special Guest Liz Entin

Episode 5 February 17, 2025 01:05:08
Unlocking Past Lives, Higher Dimensions & the Science of Consciousness with Special Guest Liz Entin
The Intuitive Femme Network
Unlocking Past Lives, Higher Dimensions & the Science of Consciousness with Special Guest Liz Entin

Feb 17 2025 | 01:05:08


Show Notes

What happens after we die? Can we access memories of past lives? In this episode, we explore past life experiences, near-death research, and the quantum nature of consciousness to uncover the mysteries beyond our physical reality. ✨

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Here’s what we cover:

Past Lives & Skepticism – Are past life memories real or just imagination?
Grief & Awakening – How loss can open the door to spiritual transformation.
Near-Death Experiences – What science and personal stories reveal about the afterlife.
Quantum Consciousness – Exploring dimensions, timelines, and reality shifts.
Intuition & Higher Self – Strengthening your inner knowing and divine guidance.
Energy Frequencies & Relationships – How vibrations shape your connections.
Physical Sensitivity & Awareness – Understanding the body’s signals in spiritual evolution.
Expanding Consciousness – Shifting perception to see beyond the material world.
Redefining Personal Success – What true fulfillment looks like from a soul perspective.

Whether you’re a skeptic or a seeker, this conversation will open your mind to new possibilities and deepen your understanding of the unseen world.

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#PastLives #NearDeathExperience #QuantumConsciousness #SpiritualAwakening #IntuitionDevelopment #EnergyHealing #HigherSelf #ExpandedAwareness #VibrationalAlignment #Metaphysics #SoulEvolution #BeyondTheVeil #SpiritualGrowth #ConsciousnessShift #AfterlifeWisdom

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, and welcome to the Intuitive Femme Network. We have our special guest today, Liz Enten. And we're going to be talking about all things past lives. So stay tuned. All right, Liz, tell us all about yourself. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Nancy, thank you so, so much for having me on. And, yeah, I'm pretty excited to talk about past lives. Something old me never, ever would have thought I would discuss. Get a little into the history of how I'm here, because I consider myself actually, like, interestingly, not spiritual. Very skeptical, but here we are. [00:00:49] Speaker A: So a lot of our audience could probably relate to that some. So I think it's going to be really fun for them to hear that with your journey. [00:00:58] Speaker B: So, as I said, I grew up thinking anything like an afterlife was completely irrelevant. Past lives, irrelevant. Like, it all seemed as realistic as the tooth fairy. And I feel like when you think that, like, you don't even want to ever think about this stuff because it's just so sad. So, like, you just push it away. At least that's how it was for me. And then, unfortunately, in 2015, my dad passed away. We're very close. I'm an only child. I just was, like, beside myself. I'm like, what do you even do? And that's where I kind of had my very first thought, actually, before he passed. But he was in hospice. I thought, okay, so consciousness is created by brain neurons. That's what I thought at the time. And that's actually no. I think the question whether there's an afterlife or not is made a lot more complicated. People bring in, is there a God or heaven? And no disrespect if anyone thinks that, but that's kind of irrelevant to whether there is an afterlife or not. That's about how and how does it work, really. The only question is, is consciousness created by a brain or downloaded by a brain? And in some quantum field? And at that time, I thought just created by a brain. But if you take the concept of eternity, like eternal big bangs, big crunches, births of evolutions of complex intelligent species like humans, you know, some variations of humans, the amount of planets are sustainable to life, amount of solar systems, and this whole concept of eternity, that even if in like 10 trillion years there's another iteration of a planet like Earth with humans or some other similar species, it seemed mathematically impossible. There would not be another evolution that I got to be. Not necessarily, Liz. Again, most likely not. Although, if you think of eternity, why not? But at least another human or similar being almost like, you know, past lives. That's what I thought. It Was sort of like past lives but nothing as woo as reincarnation. And that was like my initial huddled grave thought. And, and then my next thought was kind of everything changed in my whole life because I thought, okay, if this is true, is there some way there was some of the memories of a previous life that carried over by some mechanism we don't understand, doesn't make sense, but this could be the case. And I googled that biggest change in my life because I discovered the late Dr. Ian Stevenson and his protege Dr. Jim Tucker. They are child psychiatrists, professors at the University of Virginia and they study cases of kids with past life memories and very science based way of doing so. And I was just like this, if this could possibly be true, this is the most life changing thing ever. And when you discover them, they're part of a research group called the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. And there's a whole bunch of other researchers there like Dr. Bruce Grayson, who studies near death experiences, Drs. Ed and Emily Kelly, they study like mediums and other phenomena and just, and then you find, once you find this group, you find out that there's all these other research groups around the world doing this type of work. And it's just, I mean you just never think of this. I always thought spirituality was kind of like woo and not true and like would be so nice. Like I was jealous of people who believed it, but I didn't think there was any reason to think it if you're going to be like a hardcore realistic person. And so I was just like this, I mean it just got me through my grief. I mean this was the best thing I could possibly imagine. Even better than like not losing my dad because even if he, I'd had him another 10, 20 years, one day he'd be gone and I'd be gone. And so this is just something that was so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. And I would spend like, I delved into this research, I spent like just this deep grief huddled undercovers reading every book by these researchers as well as other researchers, scientific papers, I mean they even have peer reviewed papers of some of these researchers and most life changing thing in my whole life. [00:05:33] Speaker A: I love that I, I think that when it comes to us finding our soul's purpose and something that we're really deeply called into, we have that moment where it's usually this very pivotal point in our life that feels destructive when in actuality it awakens us to this new direction. And it sounds like that's really what happened with your father passing. It is it kind of forced you into this new awareness, this new openness to information. And that's all that was needed. Right? And you got this excitement and that passion because your soul felt activated. It said, oh my gosh, this is something I am meant to know. And I'm remembering it as well. As we're going through this. That's what I feel like when people find their soul's purpose, there's this very deep excitement. And it's the. The thing that keeps them up at night, right? Where they're like, I can't get enough of this. I have to keep studying this. I have to keep learning. It just is like this endless thirst for knowledge that we have to. To quench, though. It feels unquenchable. So I think that, that, that is really, really cool. And I love hearing, especially as someone who lives in Virginia, that there are these researchers at. What is that? Zva. Correct? [00:06:58] Speaker B: Uva. Yeah. Yeah. [00:07:00] Speaker A: And so I had no idea about that, Especially as someone who grew up as a child that had past life memories, which is where everything in my business started from. Like, we had spoken before, before we started recording, like, the books behind me on the shelf. That's where everything started. Because I had grown up with these childhood memories that I couldn't explain, I couldn't understand. They were about a man that I had loved and that I felt very abandoned by. I had no idea why I was here. I didn't know why he wasn't here. I. There was so much confusion around that. And it was something I could not speak about because at a level I knew, like, don't talk about this. Not a good idea. Right. Especially growing up in a very religious household. It was like, like, this doesn't feel safe to discuss. And so it wasn't until I became an adult in my early 30s, but I started investigating this more and it was a similar thing. It wasn't a death, but it was the end of a relationship that had ended around like a. What I had felt at the time was a massive betrayal. And so there was this grief and this morning. And then it was like all of these past life memories that kind of stuffed down and been like, I don't know what these are, so I'm going to ignore them. They all came rushing back and it was like just like dreams about it and just all of these, like, memories coming. And so I started researching myself with past life memories and studying more about this and did the regressions. And that's where the books came from is because I turned that pain into a beautiful story of these two people finding themselves again in this lifetime. And so I was able to turn something that had been very heavy for me into something very different and a beautiful love story. And so when I first put that out, I would get messages from people saying, you know, I have these kinds of memories, too, but I've never told anyone about them. I couldn't tell anybody. I couldn't talk about this. And that's where it really opened my eyes. As someone who has a psychology background and a business background, it's like there's. There's something needed here. I need to help normalize these conversations because what a. What a tragedy to think of so many people out there who have past life memories who have been suffering under the weight of that and felt like they couldn't tell anybody. They couldn't talk about it because they would be seen as, you know, crazy or making it up or unstable or whatever. And so the more that we can have conversations about this and bring light to topics like this, the better it is for anyone who is experiencing things like that. So I really, really love that there's this moment for so many of us where it's this activating time for us to find our purpose. So as you've kind of stepped more into your purpose with understanding more past lives, a little bit more of, like, the afterlife, what can you tell us about some of the research that you've done? Maybe a lot of us just don't know anything about. [00:10:19] Speaker B: I mean, most of us don't know. It took so much digging to find it. It's getting a little more known. And also, I just want to, in response to what you said, what's so, you know, interesting, you said so many people actually do have this. I can't tell you how many people just who I thought were going to be like, you're nuts. They're like, oh, yeah, I had this experience. Or I get a lot of, I never told anyone this and don't tell anyone, but it seems almost everybody has had something, Whether you integrate it or whether you compartmentalize it and are like, this doesn't fit in with my worldview. I even look back on my own childhood and I'm like, I see that things that I didn't understand so differently. Yeah, there is so much research. And what's interesting is it all has so much consistency about, like, consciousness not being made by a brain and these other dimensions of experience. One thing I think is so interesting is near Death experiences. And sometimes even people will get during these, they'll even know about past lives they've lived. Now I mentioned the research. There's pretty amazing researchers about near death experiences and to explain near death experiences when someone physically passes away and then they're resuscitated and they have these just consistent and remarkable experiences. They, you know, I'll start with the more like spiritual and then I can also go in some that are just verified. And you know, really great researcher in this is like There's a few Dr. Bruce Grayson, Dr. Sam Pernia. Someone else to check out is like Dr. Janice Holden and this whole research group of both experiencers and researchers called ions International association for Near Death Studies. And these people will go into like this light and they'll have life reviews and as I said, sometimes they'll have memories of past lives or they'll see and they'll see loved ones who've passed away. And some have even said they've seen guides that they're like, oh, I remember seeing them from choosing to come to this life and how they come every life in past lives. Or they'll see people and they'll be like, oh, you've had a consistency in multiple lives I've lived. And, and that's some of the spiritual parts of it. And then there's also very evidential which is so interesting. There are parts of the near death experiences that are verified. For example, Dr. Grayson shares a story and there's multiple stories of these. So I mean they really add up. He shares a story when he was a young doctor, so he was really worried about looking professional and he didn't believe any of this. He was a psychiatrist in hospitals and it took him, it took him like 20 years before he even integrated this. And then he found other people who had this and then this. When he started his research, this girl in college had taken a bunch of pills and was trying to take her life and was unconscious and in a coma. And her roommate brought her into the hospital and she wasn't present. I do believe she ended up passing away and then being resuscitated. Dr. Grayson, you know, had to speak with her roommate and they were trying to reach her parents. And he walks into the other room to get ready I believe to call her parents or have a further talk with her roommate. And he looks down, he's so embarrassed because again he's young and trying to be professional. And he had spaghetti sauce all over his tie. So he like tries to wipe it off, buttons up his coat, comes in Trying to be more professional. This was in a different room than the girl in the coma. Girl in the coma get recessed, gets resuscitated, you know, starts to heal. And she said I was out of my body. You're that doctor. I saw you in the room. You were trying to fix your tie with the spaghetti sauce. And he was like, what? Like what? You know, he just couldn't even. And she mentioned aspects. It's insane. And there is so much of that. People will even soon will be in the hospital and they'll talk about conversations they heard that their loved ones were having at home. They'll see things on different floors of the hospital. It's just, it, it's, I get chills. Even I've been saying this for like almost 10 years and I still get chills. It's just so remarkable. [00:14:21] Speaker A: It is, it's interesting that you're saying that because I, I, I'm interested in this kind of stuff too. It's not my main path of study, but it, it is a part of what I feel is valid in the type of work that I do. And so I, I will, you know, watch videos and I see stuff and something came across my feed, of course, because, you know, the algorithm is such a stalker. But about this with a near death experience. And she was talking about how they need to put signs on the ceilings in like intensive care or in the emergency room that reminds the souls to get back in the body if they want to live because they get so caught up in like, wow, this is cool. And they wander around and that's, that's when the body can't come back, like because their, their consciousness has gone. And so if they really want to come back, then they need to have that reminder like, hey, you need to get back in your body. You need to be here when they resuscitate, otherwise they can't be like, re. Resuscitated. I don't know that's even a word. Or they can't be resuscitated, I guess. And I was like, that is really fascinating and it makes sense to me in a way because how could, like, sure, we resuscitated your shell, but you're gone now. Like that. I feel like that consciousness that you said, it comes into the brain, like if it's not there anymore, then the machine can't work properly like that. That makes sense to me. And there's been the, that research too. I don't know if you're familiar with that. I don't even remember the doctor's name weighed people when they passed away. And he found that everyone became a certain amount lighter when their souls would leave. And so there was like that understanding of the weight of the soul because it was like across all of these people. And it was, it was research. Like it was a thing. It was not just like, let's take two people and see how this goes. But it was like a long research study that was done. And so I don't know, all that kind of stuff really is very, very fascinating to me because I think that there is a lot of fear around the concept of death, a lot of sadness around it as well. And I think that it shouldn't be so scary. And it's like, how do we really, really know what's, what's going on? And so the fact that there are people out there that are actively truly studying this, I think is it's an important part of our human experience because everyone dies at some point. [00:17:21] Speaker B: Yeah. One thing I know you mentioned, like, about how this woman suggested putting signs to remind people to go back, which is so interesting. Also, like, most of the people, I'd say they say something like 95% of people who've had near death experiences want to come back. They're forced to. They're like, it's so much happier here. And that just gave me so much comfort because, you know, you feel you're just hurt. You. You know, when you're losing someone as a person here, it is the worst thing. And you feel the people who are dying, I mean, one of the pains is how just heart wrenchingly sick you feel for that person. And you know, when people are diagnosed, you know, they're just doing everything they can to stay here. And then the whole irony of that, and I found, I just found this the most comforting thing in the world. People who pass away, they're just like. And are resuscitated. They're like, I was so much happier over there, I didn't want to come back. They made me. Or I was sucked back into my body and I was mad. Like, they'll yell at the doctors and they'll be angry at the doctors for resuscitating them. And they have to, like, they have a grief. And I heard one woman say she felt so free. And afterwards she says she's just been trying to learn to adjust. She feels like picture stuffing your body into like a soda can. She's like, that's what I feel like all the time. I feel stuck and. Which is both, you know, I mean, I feel for that. She's struggling with that today. But it's also like, oh my God, your loved ones are doing great. You know, it doesn't mean it, that's not. I actually have to give a big disclaimer because you know, when you have great. People say things like they're in a better place. Like in one sense, who cares? Like you're in grief. I'd rather my dad was in a worse place and was with me. Like I'm not that selfless. So I want to really honor how like heart wrenching grief is. And this doesn't make it okay. And it's not like, oh, they're in a better place. But it's like it does ease that. Like both your own existential dread and just that horror feeling that you're like, feel so bad for them that they are not getting to live their life. So I hope that that helps. That helps me a lot. [00:19:32] Speaker A: Yeah, that level of comfort where. And I think that as humans, you know, we, we do have a very different experience in the human condition than we do when we are purely in the form of spirit. I guess is, is a way that we could explain that because I mean, let's be real. As humans, we can only understand and conceptualize. But so much, there's so much outside of us that our brains just, we can't comprehend. Just like colors that we can't see that exist but we're not able to see them. So there is a level of understanding that we're never going to be able to access. But I do think having that information that that loved one is at peace. They are. I don't know if the word happy would really make sense because I don't know so much about emotions existing outside of the corporeal physical form. But they're not suffering, I guess would be a good way for us to just look at it like they are in a space of love. Like they're, they're back into that, that energy. And so we are the ones who are experiencing that loss as, as humans. And as they go into that field, they don't experience that same form of loss. Is that, is that making sense? Is that kind of computing with the research that you've done? That's kind of how I've seen it myself. [00:21:09] Speaker B: The only thing that you said about emotions, they seem to feel a lot of joy. And they say, at least during near death experiences they say they feel more love and joy than they've ever felt. Now does that mean that's consistent? It's like when you've been away from home, you, you know, you're happy. When you get back, you feel that love. Maybe that's. We don't know what happens fully after near death experience, you know, past the point because they come back. We have some information from mediums, but it does seem they feel emotions. But the emotions express are just like the best ones. And they say they're heightened. They're like, you don't even know what love is. Who have a near death experience. They say it's like the next level. I have a hard time believing there's only good emotions. But, you know, I don't know, maybe that's why. Maybe they go there into a source of love and then keep trying other experiences where they get to experience more varieties. You know, I mean, there's. I can get it. This is get, you know, gets a lot more philosophical. But, you know, I sometimes I have zero evidence for this. But this is just sort of a thought I have based on all the research is that sometimes it's like there's just beautiful energies and then like dark energies and earth and other probably other material states and probably other forms that we don't understand. Almost like filters. Like, think about it, when you meet like a horrible person. This has been shown with prisons. Like, your instinct as a human is to be like, oh, I want them to suffer. But like, if you look at like prison rehab programs, the people, you know, once they start getting love, you realize so much of it's trauma based. And I am in no way like saying people shouldn't have consequences for doing horrible things. But I sometimes wonder if like these places are filters to heal these dark energies and transform them. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I, I totally agree. And again, you know, like, we can't give that a blanket excuse where it's like, you know, you can just do whatever you want because you haven't learned how to like sit in your own emotions and process your own grief and et cetera. Like, it's not, it's not a, you know, permission slip to just pass, go denot, you know, whatever. Like, whatever. But like, if we're understanding that low vibrational energies cause low vibrational behaviors, we're naturally high vibrational beings because we are all created from an energy of love. We are all expansions of that energy that you're saying that these people are able to go back into and they feel it like that is our natural state of being. So when people have gotten deeply separated from that, it has been because of some type of trauma. And so there is a capacity for compassion with that. And I think it's something that is important to remember, especially like when I work with my clients and we're going through and we're clearing certain things out and doing reprogrammings and stuff like that. A lot of times we're able to really see these events that happened where it's like it didn't have anything to do with us. That was their stuff. And when we can disassociate and make that detachment where it's like, gosh, you know, I could have so much compassion now for this person and recognize their behavior wasn't about me, it was their stuff. And so does that make it all better? No. But it does create a line of separation so that we can start integrating what we need to integrate and give back the responsibility to that other person, what is their responsibility. And so that, that really helps kind of make our way through and navigate that kind of energy. I, I completely agree that, you know, there's low vibrational stuff. I, I, I know that it exists in different fields, whether it's source, like whether it's in source energy. I don't think so. And I'm assuming we go back into source energy when we pass. So it's all just, it's all just interesting. It's like, I wish we could see it all. But again, we can only see but so much. [00:25:25] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, it's true. And it's like, you think about it, we already know we're only seeing a tiny portion. Like both in terms of space, like we can only see what's right in front of us. And we also know that there's color spectrums like ultra violet and infrared. And then so we already know we're seeing a tiny, tiny portion in so many ways. You had mentioned colors. People who have near death experiences and apparently some highly spiritual out of body, they see colors they've never seen before. And that's just, I find that so fascinating. But I'm also like, that just sums it up. Like there's parts of this that we cannot understand. And people who've had near death experiences apparently see 360 degrees. We can't understand what that means. And blind people have been able to see. Like there's research by Dr. Kenneth Ring who studied blind people able to see during near death experiences. And you would say, well, how do they know they're seeing? But some were not blind since birth. Some were. And then they, that's where a past life memory comes in. They're like, oh yeah, this Was seeing. I could do that in my last life. And others had, like, tiny, tiny bits of sight where they were able to see, like, shadows. And they were like that. That experience that I had was so enhanced and they were able to describe things, kind of explaining what site would be fascinating. So, yeah, the book, it's called Mind Sight. It's a little hard to find. It's not an ebook or audio. You have to find paper, but it's worth it. [00:27:01] Speaker A: That sounds really cool. I've been thinking about this concept a lot recently, actually, when it comes to, you know, if we think about it, if there are colors that we can't see, what else is existing around us that we have no awareness of? It's like the quantum realm. [00:27:18] Speaker B: Right? [00:27:18] Speaker A: It's like, what is here? Are there a bunch of energies or entities that are just standing here with me or with you right now that we just have no capacity to see? But they're here. Are they talking? But we can't hear that frequency. Like, what. What is existing around us? And I think for people growing up in more religious environments, it's like we hear that about, like, spiritual warfare, where there's like, these things happening around us and in other realms. And so it. It just kind of makes you start wondering, like, what is really out there? And then it goes into the whole space of how many psychological things have been misdiagnosed because they're people that actually are more attuned or on a higher frequency, or their consciousness is more expanded and they are actually seeing these things or hearing these things. And so I. I do feel comforted to a level that there are researchers and scientists that are doing more active work to understand this different realm of existence. Because I think that not only would it answer quite a lot of questions, but I think it would also give us an opportunity to grow and expand further than what we thought was possible. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's being studied on so many ends. It's just a matter of these all coming together. Like, there's string theory, which we're already like the quote unquote, normal scientists. You know, like, there's Dr. Lisa Randall and Dr. Brian Greene. I mean, they're studying string theory. And it's just. I do think there's going to be a tipping point where all this comes together. Because you took like a hundred years ago and someone in science is like, oh, all these dimensions. People would be like, okay, you're crazy. Now we're looking into string theory, and it's just like, you know, where did. There was a Quote, I'm going to have it a little wrong. But essentially it was like, think people use the word paranormal for normal science? That just hasn't been proven yet. [00:29:31] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, it seems like. Like that. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. So tell me, because I have no idea. And I bet the audience is like, what the heck is string theory? What is that? [00:29:42] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Okay. I am gonna do as good a job as I can. People smarter than they'll be able to explain it better, so please Google it. I'm gonna do my amateur. It's a theory that they're all these multiple dimensions. I believe there's like, two. There's, like, mainstream theory and then, like, M theory. And one is that there's. Again, I'm gonna have this wrong, nine dimensions. And one is that there's 12 dimensions and all these different dimensions around us. And it's considered, like, traditional science. And it's like some of the dimensions are, like, wrapped up in these, like, tiny kind of vibrating strings. And. Yeah, like, there's a really good book, just String Theory for Dummies, that I read early on. And then also Dr. Lisa Randall has written a book on string theory, but it's more science and complicated. So if you're super into it, read String Theory for Dummies first, then read Dr. Randall's, because you'll be a little lost if you don't have the basics first. But it was one of the things where I was like, there's these other dimensions and quote, unquote, normal people are saying that. And another fascinating thing, you know, where some of these other, you know, that sort of backs this all up, is. I'm going to tell you what the talk was first. Then I'll tell you who gave it. As I was listening, I found in the middle of all this research, year one, a talk about how we live on, like, they're called. They use the word brain, universes spelled B, R A, N, E, like membranes, almost as if they're these, like, flattened universes and they're. You get the reflections of other conscious beings here from the other universes and referred to them as shadow people. And you might see, like, little shadows, which a lot of people report. And this was. Dr. Stephen Hawking gave a talk on that. So you're just like, there are talking. There are some people talking about this kind of thing. [00:31:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, wasn't it. Didn't Einstein talk about, like, quantum realms and, like, quantum physics and things like that? I mean, this is not vertical. [00:31:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Not like it's all just woo. And that, that's part of what this podcast is about. Where it's like, this is, this is not just like woo woo stuff. This is real stuff. It's. There's science that has been done around these kinds of, kinds of things. Having said that, I just saw one of my notes that reminded me to ask you about this because we talked about it before digging into this and I'm like totally nerding out and getting all the distraction mode. But one of the things that I teach a lot about is trusting your intuition and reconnecting into our own inner guidance and inner knowing and following what called into doing so. A lot of times business women or women that are wanting to start businesses in the intuitive coaching realm, they are really struggling with like the comparison I talk about, like we're comparing ourselves too much and trying to be else is being and trying to do what everyone else is doing. And that just doesn't work for those of us that have a, a calling. Like we really have to listen to that inner guidance. We have to be able to connect with that. And so I've always seen that guidance as our intuition. That's something you had said before we started recording was really fascinating to me that it's maybe not always our intuition that is guiding us, but maybe guides or ancestors or loved ones or other energies in this cosmos that we can't see that are giving us different hints and different tips and different pointers. Can you elaborate on that a little bit more? [00:33:32] Speaker B: Yeah. So there's a theory like you take mediums and they're communicating with the other side. They know they are, it's verified. But there's a theory that we're all doing that all day, every day and most of us just don't know it. That like our loved ones, what some people might refer to as our higher selves guides, that all these like non physical consciousness that love us and maybe even like, yeah, our higher selves, which is like the self that like has the full understanding, like remembers all our past lives that we go into when we pass away, that we're just constantly getting information from them. And maybe that even is intuition or a part of it is understanding to like receive that information. And they're just so many little ways. Like think about it. Sometimes you'll be like, I don't know, I think I'm gonna stay in tonight, but I feel like going to this party and you meet like your husband or you're like, which lunch do I go to? Like, you'll do those Weird little things that you don't know why you made that choice, and they end up being just pivotal or like, I feel like I just really want to read this book, and it's not something you would normally read, or it just kind of comes out of nowhere and you feel drawn to do it. And then it's a book that you're like, oh, my God, this is like what I want to do with my life. Or, you know, sometimes it's not usually that instantaneous, but when you look back, you're like, this led me on the path to this, to this. And yeah, maybe the word intuition, like you said, it's not intuition, but we don't really know fully what intuition is. So maybe I'm listening. [00:34:59] Speaker A: It's like, to me, it seems like this just expansion on this idea. The way that I've always seen it is kind of like as humans, we have almost like an extension cord to the divine, which is our. Our spirit and our soul. So we have our spirit, which is like kind of the. The end of it that plugs into our physical body, and then it goes up the extension cord, and then it's like our soul, or oversoul, is what's still in the divine. So there's like this magical ethereal cord that's creating this connection. And the more in tune we can become, the more we can raise our physical body's frequency, the more we can calm our mind and quiet our mind, we can start really tapping into that connection. And so that's actually what I associate with our intuition. A lot of research, honestly, like the. Where the soul or the spirit lives. Usually a lot of people say it is in where we would say, like our solar plexus is like, we'll feel that gut feeling. We'll feel that pull or that just something there. I call it the belly gut, where it's like just this, like something is there. That's. That's where I've kind of seen this connection. So I think it's really interesting to expand on that and say, well, it may not just be our higher self, but we do have other guides. And maybe even some look at, like angels and different things like that that are trying to assist us, especially if we're in a space of, I think, being open to that assistance. I do want to talk and maybe we can discuss that a little bit, because I know there are people that get really nervous or it's like, well, what if it's a bad energy that's trying to tell me what to do? Or what if it's this or what if it's that? And for. From my perspective, as long as we have the correct intention and our energy is aligned with love and expansion and really just anything high vibrational, then we're not a frequency match to low vibrational energies to be able to influence us. So we can trust the information is when we're in fear or that more like lizard brain, where we're just completely cut off from the prefrontal cortex that has access to higher consciousness and reasoning and all that. That's when we need to be really mindful about what decisions and what actions we're taking because we are in a lower frequency. But I feel like as long as we are in a higher frequency, higher consciousness, we're going to have energies around us that match that frequency. [00:37:43] Speaker B: Yeah, I would agree with that. And I think like people make energies on the other side so different than energies here. But it's not so different. It's like still us, it's like our loved ones. And I think a lot it's just like here, like you notice I've noticed this and I think a lot of people can agree. It's like as you start like therapy and like working out a lot of your. It's like you're noticing you're not attracting negative people that maybe used to bring you down. And it's like, why would it not be the same anywhere else? I mean, it's just so interesting because, you know, I feel like there was a period of my life like I hadn't worked out like past trauma stuff and I kept bringing like these negative people around and the trauma would compound and it's like, you know, somehow they would like be the guy I met at a party or like my new best friend. And they, you know, it was like they would just find me. And I sort of thought that was life. And I noticed as I've like worked out a lot of stuff, I just. Those people, you just don't even come into contact with each other. You're probably still at a room together or a work event or something. They don't notice you the same way. In some unconscious way we don't even understand. And you know, and I think it's probably the same with both energies. So it's just a matter of like understanding what parts of you. Why are you drawn to certain negative ones or normalize certain negative ones, you know, And I think it's just no different here or there and just understand like be like why, you know, I think you can understand it by being like, you know, this person who was now looking back, it was horrible and toxic. And why was that so normal to me? You know, I know for me, just, you know, give a little clarity. Like, I went to, like, horrible schools that were just really, really competitive and toxic. Like, it's a whole other topic. But I noticed I would be in, like, jobs with bosses that would be similar to that and friendships that were similar to that. And I was like, this just feels normal to me. And somehow these people would find me. But, like, as I've worked that out, it's like, I'll meet someone now. Just might almost on an unconscious level, have some aspects of them that show they're that way. And I just, like, lose interest. We just don't connect. And I just think humans are energies and those on the other side are energies. And it's all the same in that sense. You're just. [00:39:53] Speaker A: Yeah, I totally agree. You're. You're kind of preaching to the choir in that aspect from like the, the frequency match. Because that is like the main offer that I have. It's all about that. It's about clearing out those old energies that are causing us to attract the same patterns and getting to the bottom of like, how they got there. Let's get rid of the attachment to them and clear them out of the body so that, that stops. Because once we change the frequency, it's like we're just not interested in it anymore. It's like it just stops. It's like people want this life that has a dream partner or has more money or it has, et cetera, whatever it is. But as long as we're still in the frequency that's creating what we have and that we don't like, we can't get out of that, right? We're always going to be a receiver to whatever frequency we're tuned into on the radio, right? And until we actually change the frequency to what we want it to be, that's when the new things start coming in. And I completely agree. I think it's the same with, like, entities and energies. I. I don't ever worry about low vibrational energies or entities coming into my field or influencing me or being in my house or anything. I never. Like, it just is not a thing. So I'm like, how could they even be here? Like, there's nothing here that's a match to them, right? Like, how could they exist? That would be like me having a radio on 100.1 and they're 92.3. It's like they just can't exist simultaneously within the same realm. It's like having lights on, but it's a shadow. You can't. You just can't exist there. It's just not possible there. [00:41:45] Speaker B: You're not going to connect. It's just like. Let's say you go to a party and there's a hundred people, you haven't worked out your shit, and like, the two people you end up talking to are the ones that are like, the narcissists are bringing you down or have the same traumas. There's be in the room either way. Let's say you do go to that party and you've worked this all out and you just might not see them. They might just say, you know, sometimes, you know, it's inexplicable. In a certain way, you'll go just talk to like 30 people. And, you know, you just don't connect with some. And it's like you, you. You might not say, oh, that person's totally narcissistic and difficult. You don't even know. You're just not that interested. You know, you don't know why you don't think about it and you connect with someone else. And that's. I think it's a lot like that. Like, yeah, as you get, like, work out everything, you start connecting. Just. It's not even like a drama to it. Like, oh, what a jerk. I'm not talking that person. You just walk away, not really remembering. They're like, oh, I talked to 30 people and I remember these two. And, you know, yeah, it's making me connected. [00:42:40] Speaker A: I don't know if you ever watched that movie. I want to say it was like, oh, my gosh, it was one of those zombie movies. I think it had like, Brad Pitt and it was something about a Z. I don't know. I don't remember one of those things that you like. You watched it once and that was like, more than enough. There was a point where it was like he had to walk through a room of these zombies, but the zombies were only attracted to, like, fear or something, I think. And so it's like, just like, what is that movie with, like, Will Smith and his son? And it's like that monster will only see you if you're afraid. And if you're not afraid of it, then it can't hurt you because it doesn't know that you're there. Like, it only senses your fear. And that's. That's what this is making me think of where it's like we're only going to be a match to things that we are a match to. Right. But if we're not a match to it, it's. It's almost like it can't see us. And we don't really see it either. Just like with all the other stuff in our reality that we can't see. And I think that that changes, too, as we heal, as we grow, as our consciousness expands. Have you noticed how you even start noticing new things? Maybe you go to a space and you're like, I've never noticed that before. And it's like, I've been here 16 times. How have I never seen this? How did I not know that there was a pond over there? I've driven this road ever since I was a kid. It's so interesting to see how that happens, where our awareness expands. It's almost like we're in a new reality. [00:44:16] Speaker B: Oh, my God. I relate completely. I remember when I was first, like, maybe year two of studying all this, and I was taking mediumship workshops and trying to, like, have the experiences and see and study it. And I noticed I've actually got to get back to these daily meditations. But when I was doing them daily, I remember hiking with a friend of mine, Renee Buck, who's a psychic medium, really good one in la, hiking. And I was like, the flowers, they smell so much stronger. And I was like, everything looks brighter. I was just noticing my senses, everything was a little stronger and things I was able to, like, have sensory input, like subtler sensory that I missed and then used to miss. And she's like, oh, yeah, that's normal. She said as soon as she started developing these abilities, same thing. And I'm not saying I have, like, mediumistic abilities, but it's still. It's like they're going to, like, an even higher level. So it's like, yeah, you just start noticing these little things, and not only with your senses. You start noticing, like, things that are healthier for you, like, healthier people, healthier choices, like, you know how to respond better to things. And it's so interesting. It's just. It's really fascinating how that works. And, like, the things that were bringing you down, they start bringing you down more to the point where you're like. It's like the signals get this out of your life, get stronger and stronger. [00:45:36] Speaker A: Yeah, it is something I've actually been observing personally myself in my physical body. It's been like, especially the last few weeks, it's gotten really bad, honestly, where anytime I eat anything that is more like sugary, more refined, processed food. It is like it will spike my blood sugar so severely all of a sudden that I will literally be getting heart palpitations. And it makes me feel like absolute garbage. And I'm someone, I work out five, six days a week. I'm athletic, I'm very fit, and I'm not diabetic. I had actually had a scare where I was getting close to this last year. And I really worked with like, my blood sugar and being mindful of this stuff. And it's like after I had done that and kind of recalibrated and raised my frequency by getting more of that gunk out, it's like anytime I do eat it now, my body is like, whoa, like, what is this? It just. It doesn't like it, it doesn't want it. And it makes me feel like absolute garbage. Like, I used to be able to sit down and eat like a bag of, you know, Sour Patch Kids or something and be fine. And now I'll have like a handful and within like 10 minutes, I feel like I'm having heart palpitations. Like, I might as well have, like snorted something, you know, I'm like, good God, it is intense. And it feels like crap. And it's really been eye opening to me that I'm like, okay, like, I just can't eat this stuff anymore because it, one, like, my body doesn't want it. And two, like, it's scary. That's not good for my heart. I can't imagine that's good for my heart for it to be doing that so, like, regularly. So I think that you're absolutely right. The more we clear stuff out, everything about our body changes. It's like, it becomes more sensitive. It's like a level of detox, I think, like, even for our brain, like when we meditate, when we do that, it's like we're helping to rewire important stuff and getting rid of the stuff that is not important. And so that is going to be part of why our consciousness and awareness expands. And as we go through that, then our vibration rises. And then our body's like, hey, ugh, don't give me this crap. Like, we're too detoxed. We're too high frequency. Now you're poisoning me. [00:47:59] Speaker B: Like, what is this he's saying? I'm not a doctor, I would guess. And I mean this, you know, both literally about physical health as well as, like the psychological negatives that you bring in. Your body was probably always reacting that way, you just weren't aware of it. And as it gets further and further, you're like, you just like, there's normalizing things that are really bad for you and dissociating from things and just not knowing that bad feelings and bad signals are bad because they've become so normalized in your life that it's the getting awareness that maybe your body was doing that before, but you were just like, oh, that's normal. You didn't even notice it. Like, the way you'll talk to people who ate a lot ton of processed food or smoked cigarettes, and they'll be like, when they quit, they're like, I feel so good. And they're like, I didn't even know I was feeling bad because it, you know, it becomes your normal and. [00:48:48] Speaker A: Yeah, right. Yeah, because I've, I've even been feeling too. I'm like, God, this feels like anxiety from the heart palpitations. And I used to feel like I had so much anxiety like in the past. I'm like, oh, so this is like, what is really going on here? And so I think that you're right. There is a level of awareness. I do think there's. It's like double fold, but awareness. And it's gotten worse because of it just becoming so out of alignment. But yeah, I, I definitely, I definitely agree with that because we do. We get into these patterns where it's like, it's just normal. Just like you had said before, like, with relationships, like, attracting the same bosses and the same partners and stuff, there's a part of us that is so disassociated from ourselves, but also so numb to what would bring us joy or what would feel good to us. The type of stuff, like, the suffering feels normal. It just, we just think that, oh, okay, this is just what it's supposed to be. And until we really rise up out of that, it's just going to continue to feel normal. [00:50:00] Speaker B: I think we get a lot of trauma as kids and a lot of distorted things get normalized. And we're taught to, like, not feel certain things or to our intuition, oh, that's wrong. You know, you're being. Whatever the reason is, like, just having an anxiety. Yeah. You're just being like, depending on the situation. You're not being like, n that person. Even though, like, every instinct's telling you, you got to, like, accommodate to this because that's how you build a successful life. You know, all these, like, messages that are so often about turning off your intuition that, like, getting it back is Really a process. But then like everything feeling off and all the signals that maybe start when you're like five years old, like, this is wrong, this is wrong. You get used to it and that becomes normal. So when the signals are coming in, you don't realize this is wrong. You know, this is how it just feels in your body to be you. [00:50:48] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I completely agree. That's something like with my clients, with reconnecting to that intuition, it's like they don't trust themselves. I mean, so often there's this aspect of like constantly feeling like they need to check in with me about something or what about this, why I couldn't figure this out, how do I do this? And I know for some they, they don't like it, but I'm constantly encouraging them. Have you tried to figure this out on your own yet? What steps have you taken so far to try to find the answer yourself? And a lot of times they haven't. They haven't at all because they're so afraid of making a mistake or they're, they feel so disempowered that it's like someone else has to tell me how to do this or to validate how I'm doing this, etc. And so it's like that's part of the work that is working with me where, where I come and I'm like, okay, like if you need my help, I need you to come with this, this and this. Like, what is it? What's going wrong and what have you done so far to try to figure it out on your own? Because a lot of times when I ask that, like, what have you tried to figure this out on your own? There's like the dot, dot, dots, right? And then the silence. And then a few minutes later, oh, I figured it out. [00:52:10] Speaker B: Yes, yes. [00:52:11] Speaker A: Not to pick on anybody. It's not to be, to be mean, but it's such a pattern I have seen with women where it's like this training and this grooming to make us question our own capabilities and our own inner power. And this is why I feel like so many aren't able to connect with their intuition or with the other side or with other fields and different things. Imagine what will happen, like when we can, right? Like imagine us being able to have these near death experiences without having to be near death. And we can just tap into that level through meditation and then can go even further and see what happens next. All within control, right? Like, I totally believe that we do have that capacity to travel and go there and we don't have to physically die in order to do that. [00:53:16] Speaker B: So much is about like being told certain things are impossible. Like if you can go back to remembering when you were very little and there was no limits. You know, there's a really interesting story I learned in my research and I think this, it ties in. It's like we don't see, like our brains literally develop for survival and not to see reality. There's like this story I learned about by Lloyd Arbock. He's a parapsychologist and he's also a stage magician. So he's able to recognize, you know, he studies psychic mediums and he's able to recognize, you know, phenomena as false. But he had this fascinating story he learned I cover it, one of my books. But basically, like there was an anthropologist, this was years, many years ago, and he was visiting a tribe that really hadn't been exposed to very much. And they were living. They hadn't really ever seen distance. They'd only lived among trees. And he took them on a hike to see in the distance. And their perception was they saw these bugs and the bugs just kept getting bigger. And they were panicking, like, what's happened? They were out in a plane and there were buffalo far away. And as they were walking closer, the buffaloes were getting bigger. But they had never experienced depth perception. So in all of the way their brains had developed and the way they had learned reality, you know, when things started looking bigger, they were getting bigger because they had never, their senses had never experienced that phenomena. And I'm like, that is just so. We must have so much of that that we're not even aware of, you know. [00:54:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I agree. I've been reading this book. I forget one of them is Dan Sullivan. I forget the other authors, like co authors called X is better than checks. And one of the things that one of the authors had said, he was saying something like, we only see and hear what we're looking for. You know, and so, so often when we have like false programming in our subconscious mind, we are constantly looking for proof of that programming. And so this is why, you know, people say, well, there are no great men out there, or there's no I can't have success or I can't this. And it's like, it's because we're constantly looking for evidence of that. Even though we don't realize we're doing that, we are looking for that to be true because that's what we believe. And so if we can shift that perspective and that Belief that's what we're going to start looking for. And that's what they talk about. Like in this book they refer to something from a different book that they had written called. I want to say it's like the gap and the gain. Or it's like we can either look at the difference between, you know, glass half full or half empty kind of thing where it's like the gap is the glass is half full or the gain is look at how much water we have gotten so far. And so it's about shifting that perspective and looking at the, the gains always like, where's the gain in this? Maybe we didn't hit our financial goal for our business, but it did grow X amount or we learned something really valuable through that time that something that didn't work. So it's like, okay, that's a gain. I just learned something that, that doesn't work. And so I can pivot from that. So I think that that's really valuable. When it comes to what we're trying to see in, in other realms as well, we have to get into a point of saying, okay, I want to see the beautiful stuff. I want to see what is waiting for me in the future. Like even if it's in a timeline in this realm or in another one, I want to see these things instead of focusing on the not so fun things. [00:57:06] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean it's like you can. Well, it's interesting because sometimes, you know, we were talking about near death experiences. Sometimes there's certain consistencies and certain things that are different. And then some people will be like, you know, who are questioning them. Oh, well, it's not true because different people had different experiences. But like you take two people first on earth that live in two totally different regions, completely different experiences, descriptions. One would be like, oh, Earth is hot and it's by water. Another be like, what, there's a bunch of trees or another bunch of concrete. And then you also take two people, you put them in the exact same place and same situation. You also will get some consistencies, but also two completely different stories. And you can see the, you know, and that's just so fascinating. And you can, you know, one could be like this was this amazing like weekend trip. Another could be like that was terrible. Or just, you know, both could like it and just describe two totally different things. They might describe the same thing like there was a palm, palm trees outside our window and water. But then everything else could be completely different. [00:58:14] Speaker A: You know, it depends on what they were looking for and what they saw. It's just like talked about this, like back years ago when I was in college for my psychology degree. And we're talking about like, it's like the witness effect. Right. Whereas multiple people witness a crime or a car accident or something, and they all have a very, very different story. Right. They had different perspectives, but it's also being filtered through their own stuff. So I think that that's a super valid point. Like that it's going to be relevant with all experiences. Even if those experiences are in a place of complete love and alignment when they come back into this body, it still has to go through the filter. [00:58:58] Speaker B: Yeah, that's sort of on the theories. Like our body is a filter and we already know we're not fully seeing reality in a very literal way. This was. I don't know if people know this, but I recently learned it. I was like, that's so interesting. We don't see the center of things. We can't. The way our eyes are built and our minds fill in based on the information they have. What they would logically expect the center of things to be time. It works. But there's these weird little things, and it's something also stage magicians can manipulate and play with to create illusions based on how our eyes. And then what's so interesting, you know, they're saying, like a lot of times children will have a lot more mediumistic abilities, remember their past lives. Magicians do magic for children. They have to do a completely different type of trick because if they do the adult tricks, kids see it instantly and know what's going on. It's not just like their height based. It's the way their brains and perceptions are that really good adult tricks. A child will be like, oh, that's so obvious. [01:00:05] Speaker A: Isn't that crazy? That's. That's amazing. Honestly, I, I could see the validity in that because I. I've seen even from one of my nephews, he talks a lot about past lives that he's had, like when he was at war or his old family and different things like that. And as he's getting older, he's not talking about it as much. And then as I was going through things, it was like really prominent. But as I was getting older, it was like, I don't know what that is or what to do with it. So I was like kind of stuffing it away and even my ability to access that. Right. So it's like we, we do kind of like box these gifts up and kind of like put them aside because we don't feel that they're serving us when it comes to survival. Because I feel like a lot of our life unfortunately does feel that way. It's like I'm here to survive, I have to survive, and these things don't serve me in that. And this is where there needs to be a significant pivot, where we're recognizing when we're in survival mode. Like, we absolutely cannot tap into these things. And so our nervous system needs to become a priority if we're wanting to expand and step into higher realms or access higher knowledge or find solutions. Like, the number one thing we have to do is calm and regulate that nervous system. Otherwise it's. It's like a trap door. Like we can't get there from there kind of thing. Like our lizard brain cannot access it. It just can't. And so that needs to become like top priority if we're wanting to do any of that type of expansion. Yeah. [01:01:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:01:53] Speaker A: I love it. I love this conversation. I feel like we could talk for. [01:01:56] Speaker B: Hours, but I went so fast. I know, I feel like I do. It's so interesting. [01:02:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's such a fun thing to talk about. I really, really love this for the audience though. How can they get in touch with you? How can they learn more about you? Are there any resour that you put together that can help them go a little bit deeper with this type of information? [01:02:20] Speaker B: Yeah, so I have my books, I have a podcast. I also host like private events, science and spirituality salons. And you can find all this on my website, wtfjust happened.net you can link to my podcast there, which is on every app. WTF Just Happened? All about the afterlife. No woo books are there. I have two books. Well, mainly two. WTF Just Happened? A sciency skeptic investigates grief healing and evidence of the afterlife. It's my first book in the series. You definitely want to start with that. But if you also just want a little sample, I have just a small summary on Amazon for 99 cents. The evidence of an afterlife. And you know, you can just get a taste if this is for you. And you know, you can contact me through my website, can reach out with any questions. You know, I have kind of like funny journals about grief. Like about a lot of the toxic positivity and bad things people say around grief. You know, grief's hard and our society doesn't respond to it well. So all of that is get through my website and feel free to email me, reach out to me on Instagram. I'm super active there, which you can also link to through my website. [01:03:32] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll make sure to include, like all of those different links and stuff like that in the show, notes and description and all that good stuff. So it's easy for people to find. I know sometimes we're like, hey, I'll read this off. And then people are like, what? I do that? I'm like, oh, this is so interesting. And then the. The thing like, website goes completely out of my mind. So we'll make sure it's all super, super easy for everybody to get to before we finish. I do like to ask everybody the same question because I think it's really interesting to find different perspectives from more intuitive, connected, outside of the box women. So in your own perspective, how would you define success? [01:04:12] Speaker B: You know, I think for me personally, it's really being able to design the life I want. Having enough money through the career I care about while making an impact on the causes I care about with the people that are really positive that I love and aligned with them. Career, money, family. But in that form, you know, where it's really about, like, listening to that true part of yourself and following your soul's mission, making lucrative career with that. [01:04:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:49] Speaker B: With partner, business partners, friendship partners, just life partners and children. And that's my personal success. [01:04:57] Speaker A: I love it, love it, love it. Awesome. Well, thank you so much again for being my guest on today's episode. And we will see everyone next time. Bye. [01:05:07] Speaker B: Thank you so much.

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