Exploring Life After Death & Psychic Mediumship with Special Guest Elizabeth Faye

Episode 4 February 10, 2025 00:44:02
Exploring Life After Death & Psychic Mediumship with Special Guest Elizabeth Faye
The Intuitive Femme Network
Exploring Life After Death & Psychic Mediumship with Special Guest Elizabeth Faye

Feb 10 2025 | 00:44:02


Show Notes

What happens after we die? Can we truly connect with the spirit world? In this episode, we dive deep into psychic mediumship, life after death, and unlocking intuition to explore the unseen world beyond our physical reality. ✨

Here’s what we cover:
Psychic Mediumship – Understanding how messages from the spirit world come through.
Life After Death – Exploring what happens beyond this lifetime.
‍♀️ Meditation & Psychic Abilities – How mindfulness strengthens intuition.
Experiences with Spirit & the Afterlife – Real stories and personal insights.
⚖️ Karma & Life Lessons – How our past actions shape our spiritual growth.
Navigating Fear & Spiritual Practices – Overcoming doubts and embracing your gifts.
Empowering Women to Reconnect with Intuition – Strengthening self-trust and spiritual wisdom.
Techniques to Develop Your Psychic Abilities – Practical steps for tuning in.
❤️ Unconditional Love & Spirituality – The role of love in deepening our connection.
☮️ Inner Peace & Divine Connection – Finding alignment in your spiritual journey.

Whether you’re curious about the afterlife, spiritual awakening, or developing your intuitive gifts, this conversation will guide you toward a deeper understanding of your spiritual path.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, and welcome to the Intuitive Femme Network. On today's episode, we're going to be talking to Elizabeth Fay, who is a psychic and medium. She's going to be giving us some information on not only being a medium, but how you can start being a medium, too. Stay tuned. [00:00:30] Speaker B: All right. [00:00:32] Speaker A: All right. So thank you so much for being here with us today. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? [00:00:37] Speaker B: Yes, my name is Elizabeth Fay. I'm a psychic medium and intuitive song healer. Excuse me. Frog in the throat, Vocal chakra clearing. Yeah. So that's what I do. And I also guide women on journeys to reconnect with their psychic abilities through song. [00:00:53] Speaker A: I love that. I love that. So tell me a little bit about how you do that with songs. [00:00:59] Speaker B: So I'm a classically trained singer. In addition to being energy healer, I'm also a Reiki master. I've done a lot of different energy modalities and a psychic medium. And what I do is I actually channel healing melody through my voice. And then when people listen to it, and specifically when I work with women, when women listen to it, it starts to open up their energy centers, and it starts to open up their. And really strengthen their connection with their higher soul and their guides so that they can start to get messages in a much more clear, strong way and really activate their psychic gifts. [00:01:33] Speaker A: I love that. I actually am a channel for light language. I sing it. So I'm kind of familiar with this concept, frequency. They're really powerful, right? They're super powerful. I mean, that's how they break up kidney stones. It's like sound frequencies. There's so much evidence around the effectiveness of that and how certain frequencies affect our bodies in certain ways, especially even, like, tuning forks and all that kind of stuff. So it's really, really fascinating to meet someone who has a similar gift, but different. This is the beauty of being in this space is so many amazing women, so many powerful women, and we all show up in our gifts in very unique ways. So I absolutely love that. I would love for you to share with us today about the afterlife. I know that this is kind of something that you really specialize in. From what I understand, you really started researching this after your father passed on. [00:02:37] Speaker B: My mother. That's okay. That's okay. [00:02:41] Speaker A: After a parent passed on and you started kind of tuning into this energy and understanding more about it, can you teach us what you learned? [00:02:50] Speaker B: Yeah. So I had always had a really deep curiosity about life after death and anything that had to do with spirituality, the occult. I mean, I Was raised as a pastor's daughter, ironically. And I'd always been gifted since I was a child. Like, I knew things that my parents would always be amazed because they'd have people over and leave, and I would tell them, my parents, things about the people, and they would go, how did you know that? So that I just always had. And I didn't actually start developing my mediumship gifts until late in life life, because I'd been to. I'd started giving readings, and I called them intuitive readings, but I wasn't really confident in my mediumship. And then it was after my mother passed away. It was several years after that, and I actually went through a cancer journey, and I had stage three cancer. And I went on a really intense mediumship, excuse me, meditation journey. And when I did that, something shifted. And I just realized that through meditation and connecting to spirit, I could do whatever I desired to do. And I really wanted to further connect with the other side. And partially because I had stage three cancer at the time, I. I was concerned that I might not make it because the type of cancer that I had was the immunotherapy. Excuse me. Chemotherapy and radiation were not suitable for it. So it wasn't looking great. But through meditation, I was able to align with a cure, and I didn't have to do any of those things, and I'm completely gone. So I was able to cure myself through meditation, which led me to a treatment plan that was. Was a clinical trial. So I was very fortunate. But all through my meditation journey after my mom's death, like you mentioned, and also in the cancer journey, I really wanted to be okay with, like, what happens after we die and connecting with spirit so that if I did pass over, I could, like, feel like I could still communicate with my children or prepare my children to find a way to communicate with me, those types of things. And so once I cleared the cancer, I was like, you know what? I bet I can do this. So I found a mentor, and I started. I mentored with her, and then I did. I started giving readings, and they started getting really good. And I was like, it's just the most. It's the most incredible, amazing miracle to experience is to be able to connect with the other side. [00:04:58] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. Gosh. I mean, there's so much there to kind of unpack and unravel. That's a really powerful story. One of the things that kind of came through for me. Do you feel like. Because you were kind of in this place in your journey where you felt like you were getting close to kind of knocking on death's door. That kind of opened a bridge for you to start kind of dabbling over into that side. And that that's kind of where there was a gift in that to show you, like, hey, we've gotten close here so that you can reach through, pick something up and now you can carry it back. Do you feel that there was some kind of purpose in that? [00:05:39] Speaker B: There was definitely a purpose. I never got to the point where I know you hear stories about there's a lot of people who will have near death experiences and they come back with psychic abilities. So mine wasn't quite that extreme. But one of the things that I do teach and I do firmly believe in is that we have these resets in our lives that on emotional level bring us very close to death, even if the body isn't there. I do believe that throughout our life there's opportunities for us to say, okay, on some level, our psyche or our emotions. It's like it's an exit point. And I feel like that was a potential exit point for me and I chose not to take it. And so it serves as an initiation. And if you look back at a lot of the ancient mystery schools, it's the same concept. They would bring initiates to the point of death and in their ceremonies and then it would, it would cause them to have these abilities. Now I don't think that we need to do that with people obviously, but, but I certainly don't do that with my, with my clients. But, but the, you know, the act of meditation really does bring the brain, you know, the DMT starts to be released. It really does bring the brain into this place that is kind of almost similar to that. So I think there's definitely a gateway there. And so, and these initiation processes where everything kind of falls apart in life and you feel that you must connect with the other side. It does move you into this. I need to connect with the other side. I'm in a point of crisis. And then everything in your body and your mind is so focused in on connecting that you do connect. [00:07:08] Speaker A: I love that. You know, I grew up also in a Christian household and so I refer to those things as kind of like that coming to Jesus moment. Yeah. [00:07:16] Speaker B: Ironically. [00:07:17] Speaker A: Right. Like something has to change, something has to give. And I like how you're talking about you have an opportunity. Do I kind of hop off this merry go round or not? And I feel like we do have those experiences a lot in our life when it comes to playing out self Sabotage cycles, wounded cycles with other people and different things like that. We get presented with these opportunities where it's like, are you going to take another ride on this merry go round or are you going to hop off? And so I guess that's what some would refer to in a way as like those soul or ego death, where it's like we have to let that part of us die in order to be able to access these other realms because they just can't exist at the same time. Just like you're talking about the brain and the brain waves, you know, when you meditate, like you were saying, you go into alpha brainwave state, which allows you to get closer to those higher realms of consciousness. And when we're in places like fear and lack and worry, we're stuck in our lizard brain. Like we can't, we can't access the front brain while we're there. It's like, it's just not possible. Like being on 92.1 wanting 100.3, like, yeah, be there. So we have to be willing to let those parts of us that are staying in that energy to fall away. And so much of it is that anxiety. Where does anxiety come from really? It's our need to control. It's not going the way that I want. How is this going to work out? What's going to happen? And when we surrender and release, then we're able to move back into that frontal, the prefrontal cortex and hear higher consciousness, hear reasoning, reconnect with our intuition and be able to connect with those higher realms and with the information that really is going to help us create what we want versus just creating the same patterns over again. [00:09:19] Speaker B: Totally agree with you on that. [00:09:20] Speaker A: I love that. So what, what more have you learned about the afterlife? Can you tell us like some stories or some evidence that you found about what happens like when. [00:09:33] Speaker B: Yeah, well, it's interesting when I think about that. I think there's so many different things that can happen. I do like to go on ghost investigations and paranormal investigations. I find that. And I live in Richmond, Virginia, so. So there's so many haunted homes here. I don't know. What do you call it? Not burial grounds. What's the. Well, burial grounds too. But battlefields is the word I'm looking for. [00:09:56] Speaker A: I'm actually from Richmond, Virginia too. That blows my mind. Yes. [00:10:00] Speaker B: Oh my gosh, that's crazy. And we'll have to talk later about Richmond. [00:10:03] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. There's tons of historical stuff here. [00:10:06] Speaker B: Yeah. So it's, you know, I've it's funny because with my gifts I just started my like last year seeing spirit like in real time. And. And it's only happened a few times and that's always been kind of my. I love to just. I believe that everybody has gifts for specific purposes. And just because a person might be more clairaudient and one person is more clairvoyant, but they're clairvoyant is in their mind's eye, does not mean that the person who sees the spirits in front of them like in real life is any more powerful. It's just a different agreed way of experiencing it based on your life path and all the things that you're. You've decided you want to experience for yourself. And it took me a while to kind of not feel know but at. [00:10:44] Speaker A: The same time comparison. Or it's like, well, I'm not as good or I can't do this. And it's like, yeah, just like with the singing. Like. Like you and I were saying it's different but doesn't mean that one is better than the other. [00:10:56] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:10:57] Speaker A: To become the most powerful version of themselves for sure. What have you seen? [00:11:04] Speaker B: So. Well, it's funny. I've seen just random things, but I also capture things in different ways. Like spirit comes to me and has come to me in so many different ways. For instance, when I first started on my mediumship journey. You're going to laugh at this, but Edgar Allan Poe showed up on the side of my wall and it was really crazy. And I actually have a. I've always had a connection when I go to the Edgar Allan Poe house. I have a long story that I can't tell you right now because it would take too long. But he definitely. When I went to his home, he recognized me and I actually won a membership to their yearly affiliation or whatever. A whole thing happened and I was like, okay, he heard what I was saying and I got that that evening. I won a membership. And then. And there's some other similarities in his story about his beloved that passed away and my life story. There's a lot of similarities there. And so he just like while I was practicing seeing spirit, like he showed up on my wall and I was like, holy. And it was like in shadow form. So it was cool. There's been. As a singer, there's chills. I know. I just got chills there as a singer. Like there's been. And like there's. I'm trying to remember exactly who it was because his Nate Wal. I won't. Anyway, there's there's been celebrities that have come to me in my breathwork set, you know, and they've, like, presented themselves to me, saying that I'm here to guide you. And I've, you know, I've visited plantations and taken pictures of spirits that have come through, like, the window. And so I've seen. I've been talking. I'll talk to someone, and. And, like, out of the corner of my eye, like, a couple feet back, I'll see a person, and then I'll kind of glance back, and they're gone. And I glance back, and they're there, and then I find out that that's that person's deceased brother. Because there was nobody there. Like, the space was empty. And so I'm like, I keep seeing this person over your shoulder, and. And I describe them, and she's like, oh, that sounds like my brother who passed away. So those types of things happen a lot to me. I forget what the question was. I'm sorry. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Okay. Just learning more about, like, the afterlife and different. [00:13:06] Speaker B: What happens when you die. Yeah, I mean, I don't think anybody can really know what happens when we die. I mean, I communicate with my mother quite a bit. I do believe that when people pass over, most of the time, a couple things happen. Usually they're. They're. Well, they're always. They're always wrapped in perfect love. And I also believe, this is my personal belief, that if you are somebody, that you experience everything that you caused, everything that you created here, you experience again. So if you created a lot of love and joy, you're going to experience that. If you hurt a lot of people, you're going to experience that. And I believe that that actually helps the soul evolve and heal. Another teaching that's been given to me from my guides is that if somebody chooses a dark path, it's like they can almost like their soul, it's almost like pieces of their spirit splinter off. I'm a big believer in that. Everything always returns to unconditional love, because unconditional love is the ultimate power of the universe that can never be overcome, because if it was, we wouldn't be able to exist. We wouldn't be having this conversation. So I believe that, like, if a person's. If, like, a version of them gets stuck in a. In a timeline that's very dark, that eventually the darkness will kind of splinter off, but the core goodness will always return to the light. [00:14:24] Speaker A: It really goes to that idea of, like, karma, where sometimes, you know, someone did not do some great stuff in One lifetime. They reincarnate. Then they've got some things to pay back. I've. I've inquired during meditation and when I've talked to my guides about some of that kind of stuff and when I've asked about even, like, the suffering in this world and some of those things, that it's just, like, unimaginable. That that was part of what I was shown is like, this part of that is a balancing. Because that person in a previous life was a perpetrator in that way. And so it's like, which, my gosh, it would be really nice for us to get to a point where none of that is necessary anymore, where we've all evolved past that. And I do believe that that is possible as souls, as we continue to evolve and grow, that eventually suffering won't be needed anymore for part of our evolution and expansion. That it is honestly a big part of that evolution and expansion. I hope that we get there soon. [00:15:31] Speaker B: I do too. I always. I have to be honest, I have a little bit of hesitancy around the idea of karma as a lot of people believe it. I just need to clarify that. Just because when I went through my cancer journey, you know, I was like, did I do something wrong? Like, am I being punished? And I don't feel like I was being punished, but that was something that came up for me a lot. And I've had people that have experienced a lot of tragedy. And I always just. I always just feel like sometimes we have to be careful not to say bad things are happening to this person because they. They did something bad in a previous life. Right. I don't necessarily know if that's really. I don't think any of us. Any of us can know for sure. [00:16:06] Speaker A: No, there's no way. [00:16:07] Speaker B: It's a speculation. But I do think that it's really difficult to. That's like the hardest thing in the world to explain is why good things happen to bad people. And the only thing that I can think of is that there is. It feels very real to us as we are experiencing it, but it's an opportunity for us to connect with love. It's an opportunity for us to experience a miracle. It's an opportunity for us to fully realize ourselves as energetic beings of divine love and then shift the experience and. And react in a way that is not. Not negative, not match the experience. I think it's an opportunity for us to grow and expand. And that's very hard to stomach if you have had a lot of tragedy or some horrible violent crime. In your life or someone you love. That's the best way I've been able to explain it. [00:16:57] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah. I think, I mean that from what I've understood, I mean, the whole purpose of us being humans is to be a part of the macro organism that is the universe and to help that macro organism expand like that. That's why we're here. And so having lives that create expansion, we can't have expansion currently in this dimension without contrast. And contrast a lot of times comes in ways that we don't want so that we can then get clear on what we do want or heal more or et cetera. That's what is expansion. And so I feel like that that is a part of that. But again, like you said with like karma and those kinds of things, like they're really. There really isn't a way to fully know. And I think the reason for that is not because none of us can access the information. I think it's because it is such a complex thing that we can comprehend it. Like we as a human being, our consciousness and our brain, it cannot comprehend that concept. Like we can kind of get it, but it's just. [00:18:10] Speaker B: I totally agree with you. [00:18:12] Speaker A: We can fully understand. [00:18:13] Speaker B: We're just like, absolutely. [00:18:16] Speaker A: I love that. Tell me as you're. I want to go back to like you saying that you, you will see stuff. Because I know I've had experiences where I have seen some things. For example, when I was in college, one of my friends, because like you said, I've always been very like psychic. I would know things about people, etc. And so everyone's always kind of known, like, oh, ask Nancy about that or whatever. Nancy can help you with that. So you know about Richmond. There's a lot of old houses down there. And so we both went to vcu. She was house sitting for someone. She was like, I swear there's something in this house. Like, you have to come with me. And I went in and right when I went in, I could feel it. I knew it was there. I usually don't see stuff visibly, but I will feel it. And I went in and I was like, oh. Like it was not a very pleasant energy. I could tell it was a man, like masculine energy. And so I'm walking through the house and I was like feeling into that energy. There's this room upstairs, it was like a sitting room kind of thing. And I was like, he's in there. Like, I could just feel it. I just knew. Are you sure? And I, I was like, I am. And So I spoke into the room. I said, reveal yourself. Show us that you're here. Rocking chair started rocking. [00:19:41] Speaker B: Wow. Oh, my gosh. [00:19:43] Speaker A: Leaving. Like, he was not a. I don't. I didn't feel like he was, like, a dangerous entity, but he was not a happy fella. He was very disgruntled is what I could feel. So I'm like. Again, you were saying, like, you can see I'm more of a feeler of the energy. So have you seen things that scare you, or what would you recommend? [00:20:07] Speaker B: So. So much. So much there. I do feel like you probably have mediumship abilities then. I just. It does sound. Yeah, for sure. [00:20:14] Speaker A: It's not something I like to tap into, though, to be honest. [00:20:17] Speaker B: No. No worries. I just. Just something that it's interesting to observe. So I. I think that. What was my next point? I think that. Hold on. Can you just re. Repeat what the last. Because I had a point that I wanted to make. [00:20:28] Speaker A: Yeah. So when. When other people are kind of going through this process of, like. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Oh, right. [00:20:33] Speaker A: With their gifts and they start seeing things like what. [00:20:37] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:37] Speaker A: Kind of guidance and support can you give them? Because it can be scary. Like, really scary. [00:20:43] Speaker B: Yes. So I started out as an empath. Okay. And I. One of the things I help women with is crossing over from empath to psychic to meet mediumship. And because I think a lot of people feel like I'm just an empath. I'm just an empath. That is. That means that you have a gift. And I believe that if you have. I believe that we are all intuitively gifted. And some people just like. Some people are great athletes, and they really good at it. Some people are great singers. We're all different. People are great at math. I'm horrible at math. Like, we all have these gifts, and. But it doesn't mean I can't do math right? So. And I think a lot of times people. And I actually grew up in a haunted house when I was a kid, and I had really negative. I had a horrible experience where I was physically attacked repeatedly for many months in this house. And my parents did not. It didn't compete with them. And I had to fight the spirit off of me. And that shut me down for many, many years and kept me from wanting to connect with spirit. But then when I went through my journey, I was like, you know what? I'm not afraid. And I was able to move through that. So I also recognize that, like, if you are really centered in love, you are so protected, and that's really important. Moving through the fear is just. It's just about empowering and believing in yourself. And they're just, you know, it's just like if you were to walk by a really disgruntled person on the street, it's not that different. They're stuck. But it's scary because you can't see it. When you get into the area of non human spirits, that can be really, really scary. That's an energy thing. So if your energy isn't clean, think about, like, priests who are exorcists. And I'm not a huge fan of the Catholic Church, so just. But I'm just putting this example out there because it's in pop culture. [00:22:23] Speaker A: It's one a lot of us know. [00:22:24] Speaker B: And actually a lot of healers, like serious healers, like people who do exorcism, shamans, they fast, they meditate, they, you know, they prepare themselves for days on. [00:22:34] Speaker A: End to get their energy, their vibration. [00:22:36] Speaker B: Exactly. Because when you come in contact with the dark energy, it's because there's a matching energy there. And so you have to be more powerful and you're in your connection to love, and that protects you. And so I think that should be the ultimate guide for all of us. And it's interesting when I really believe that people who experience hauntings, like severe hauntings, yes, they have a connection to it, but a lot of times they have a life connection to those people. So a lot of times they've reincarnated. They were somehow connected to those people in a past life, and they've reincarnated. Or they're on an alternate timeline, however you want to look at it. And they're re. They're reconverging because they're meant to heal that in their life. [00:23:13] Speaker A: Wow. I just got chills from that. That's just not something I've, like, thought anything about. I don't move into the mediumship stuff except when I'm in a client session. I will open for. For that. I'm a channel. I channel information from higher beings all the time. [00:23:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:32] Speaker A: But when it comes to actual, like, individuals, I've had situations. Like, I had a young man show up in a dream once who had just passed away. And I knew. I just knew, like, this is a contact. And I googled his name and I found his obituary because he gave me his name. He wanted me to get a message to his mom. I was like, I cannot. Yeah, I was like, I just can't. I'm like, there's no way that I'm going to reach out to a grieving mother as a complete stranger and say, hi, your son visited me and has a message for you. There's just. There was just no way that I was going to do that. So I kind of set myself off from that. Or like, no. [00:24:16] Speaker B: And that's okay. [00:24:18] Speaker A: You have the right to that. [00:24:20] Speaker B: You know, spirit will find any. Some spirits are very strong and they really sense the grief of their loved ones. And so they will just stop at nothing to get a message to them. And that's okay, though he found, I'm sure someone else to help out. He's probably, you know, and that's okay. And honestly, you probably had that experience. You were gifted that experience just to have a knowledge that, like, hey, this is something I can do, and then figure out what you want to do about it, you know. So I believe if you're a channel, you know, whether I call myself a medium, I call myself a medium because that's what people understand is that I can make contact, but I'm a channel. I mean, we're all. If you. That's just what it is. Things come channel. And so. And then if you focus on one part of the channel, you're going to get this. If you focus on it by. If I want to talk to the angelic realm, I'm going to get messages from the angels. If I want to talk to, you know, starseed, I'm going to get starseed. And different things come through. So for whatever reason, I guess I've always just. Maybe it's because of my initial experience growing up in that haunted house. And I think a lot of people who do paranormal investigations have had some traumatic experience. They're just constantly trying to figure out. But then it leads you down into aliens and star seeds and like, it does. It just never ends. Parallel dimensions and Bigfoot and it's just like. Yeah, it just never ends. [00:25:37] Speaker A: Yeah. When you were talking earlier, I wrote a note down. So I wanted to make sure to ask you. But as you're saying that with like the channeling aspect, because that is part of this whole thing, like, if we want to connect into other realms, into the afterlife, to talk to our ancestors, to talk to loved ones, passed on friends, etc. There is that aspect of channeling. We have to become an open conduit for that. So as someone who grew up myself in a religious household and was always told about demons and was like scared to death of this kind of stuff, it's for me, been a huge process of healing that concept and understanding that concept to reconnect with my gifts and abilities. So for those that come across this, that are listening, that are watching, that have also grown up in those religious households because you said that you did. [00:26:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:37] Speaker A: What would you tell them about that? When they're, like, they're afraid. Oh, no. Like, who are you channeling? What are you channeling? Are you channeling demons? [00:26:45] Speaker B: Right. Oh, I've gotten that. I was just. My dad. Yeah. My dad disowned me twice for what I do, so I get it. [00:26:51] Speaker A: Wow. [00:26:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Lots of things. I think that you're. If you continue to align yourself with love, you will be put on the right path, and eventually your connection with love will be so overpowering that there will not be any fear of the darkness because you have such a strong relationship with it. That's the easiest way to say. And if you look at a lot of people who claim to be Christians, they don't have that relationship because everything is based on an idea that doesn't really work very well. I mean, I actually did a bunch of TikTok series where I talk about how Christianity is really based on a tradition of narcissism. I mean, the Old Testament, God is a narcissist. It's not love. It's not unconditional love. And a lot of my work, especially in the. In the course that I'm. The journey that I'm taking women on, talks about how, you know, unconditional love really does come from a place in the physical world, from. From a mother's standpoint. And that is. That has been erased from our cult culture when we. When the. With the introduction of a patriarchal religion that kind of tried to push women back into the corner. But I would advise them to do a lot of things, you know, prioritize their connection to love is the first one. And then also, one thing that did help me later on was learning about, you know, there's a lot of truth that has been hidden about the. How Christianity started. There's a lot of texts that are misinterpreted. There's a lot of. A lot of evidence that, you know, a lot of Christians think they know that Greek words have multiple meanings, and they think they know all the meanings of the Greek, but they really don't. There's a lot of texts that were written around in the time of Christ and for the time of Christ that have alternate meanings that really reinforce the fact that the Bible really is not. It was put together by a group of people who wanted to control the world, and it worked. [00:28:36] Speaker A: So people with an agenda. [00:28:39] Speaker B: Exactly. So knowledge is really important, but more so my, I always just go, I always just connect straight to the holy through the Holy Spirit, which I believe is unconditional love. So I don't really mess around with, you know, any archangels. And I just feel like I'm always completely protected when I go in and I never have anything to worry about. [00:29:01] Speaker A: Yeah. And that, that is, that is where I've come to as well. And that's exactly what I've done. And think on where it's like, look, you know, we're prioritizing the why behind why. We're tuning in, making sure that's from a very high place. We're prioritizing our own energetics, our own frequency, all of those kinds of things. When we open ourselves up to receive, we're going to receive things that are high dimensional. You can't not. It's again like that the radio signal, right. It's like you can't receive on a different frequency than you're on. So those that are worried about channeling because they're worried that they're going to bring in lower dimensional beings, my thought for that is don't open yourself up yet until you've worked on that and to a place where you feel protected, where you feel safe, where you feel confident in your vibration and where you're able to operate mostly from a place of love. I mean obviously we're humans, you know, sit there and be like, like turn the other cheek kind of thing. Like we all have emotions but overall there, there is kind of like a line right where it's like you're in higher dimension or you're not. And so as long as we're trying to maintain that energetic alignment in higher dimensions, we're going to be a match to those vibrations. [00:30:29] Speaker B: Also. That brings up another good point because people who are worried about connecting with dark entities are probably to, because they know the difference. It's the people that are kind of like they're not aware, they're not awake, they're, they're not really conscious of, of what their energy is at that are more likely to stumble into dark situations. They're more likely to use a Ouija board without thinking or you know, do something else, do some other kind of ritual and open themselves up to it because they just, they're not aware. So the people that are really afraid under already understand there's a big difference. And they're, they and it's really just them. I think it's really more about Them feeling empowered and feeling confident in their connection to love and their spiritual connection. I know that, like, for all people who do, I'm sure you feel like this too. When you do a reading or a session with someone, there's always that panic. Like, right before you go in, you're like, I hope it works this time. You may have done it 50 times and given people. I don't know. [00:31:25] Speaker A: Yes, because, like, I know. Like, it works every time. [00:31:30] Speaker B: I know. And it's terrifying. Like, and. But you're like, yeah, and. And you always get exactly what you need to know, right? [00:31:37] Speaker A: Yes. [00:31:37] Speaker B: And so. And there's been a couple times where, like, if I've done a group reading and I'm at the very end and I'm tired and I'm not getting anything, and I will sit there for, like, the next day until I get in touch with that spirit, and then I'll come back to that person. Because, I mean, reading in a group is. Is hard. It's not as easy. [00:31:53] Speaker A: There's a lot of energy. [00:31:54] Speaker B: Yeah. But, you know, I think it has to do with that whole. Just that whole idea of, like, our. You know, that you need to connect to unconditional love. You know what it is. You're gonna strengthen that. And the more confident you get in your connection, just, like, the more readings you get, you're like, yes, I get these jitters every time, but I'm gonna sit in trust. And it's about trust. So those people that are feeling fearful, it's really about. They're feeling the call to trust more and. And to connect more. So I would just encourage them to connect more to love and not worry about the dark stuff. And. And if they're meant to. And not everybody's meant to do battle with dark entities. Like, we all come against dark energy, and we all need to learn how to dispel it. But we're not all meant to be exorcist for sure. [00:32:36] Speaker A: Sure. [00:32:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:37] Speaker A: I think that that's a. That's a really good point with the ignorance kind of thing. I mean, that's making me think of, like, people that are like, I'm just never gonna date again or, I'm just never gonna do this again. And it's because they. They haven't learned how to identify, like, red flags. [00:32:57] Speaker B: Right. [00:32:57] Speaker A: They were never taught how to see them or what they were or how to identify them. Because the thing is, no matter how practiced someone is, like, in those behaviors, once you become aware of them, you spot them. And so what will happen is we don't trust ourselves to either spot them or to pay attention to them and let them like tell us like do that. So that's like, I'm just not going to, because I don't trust myself. I feel like it's the same kind of thing where it's like, well, I'll just shut myself off from it because I don't trust myself to be able to differentiate like what I'm receiving. And so I think it's a, such a valid point that you brought with that because when we can start learning to trust ourselves and listen to our own intuition, our own inner guidance, we will be able to open up so much more when it comes to our gifts and our abilities and be able to operate in these higher realms. Like it'll just be our natural way. Right, exactly. We know, we know. So speaking of that, do you have certain techniques or different ways that you help women learn how like tap into this and how to grow these abilities and how to do it in a way that they feel safe and that practices that like self trust and all of that kind of energy? [00:34:30] Speaker B: Yes, I do. So I have a program right now, it's a six week journey and I use everything that I, you know, that I use to awaken my gifts, which is song and singing, sound healing. So you can either. I have, I create these like they're song healings but they're like song meditations. So they're guided meditations where you're hearing me singing to you, you're hearing light language, you're hearing channeled melody, you're hearing actual chance and you can sing along with them or you can just listen to some people. I always encourage women to sing along, but singers, either way, they're just as powerful that that serves in raising your vibration to keep you protected. And also when you raise your vibration, you can connect with someone spirit better. So that's, you know, it's a stronger connection. And then we do sacred rights, which is just, you know, we call them spells, it's basically folk magic, which if you look at the Christian church, you know, if there's a lot of people here who are recovering from Christianity, you know, every church service is a right. So this, it's just a ceremony to focus your intention and your energy and you can use that in any way that you desire. You can use it, you can use it to connect with good things or bad things. We use it to connect with positivity and love and a specific intention. Activating your third eye, activating your, your clear audience. So we go through that and then every week they get a mini reading from me and I take them through the right. So they know how to do it. And they get an opportunity to practice on each other. And it's. And they also get in a full reading. They get one full reading from me for people that sign up early. So that's always nice. It's a pretty good deal. And then I bonus, like I have a. I have bonus classes for women that want to use it. If they want to start their own groups in their own circles, they can use the songs that they learned and they can use the rights and circles at home. And so the idea is that it's. It's empowering them to start to trust their intuition again. Because when women start to trust their intuition, their lives become clear because the narrative has been, sorry, my dog just ran out the door. The narrative has been since, you know, for the past 2,500 years or however long is to disconnect women from their intuition. Because it is unfortunately been a kind of a narcissistic, patriarchal culture that has formed the western culture. So we're moving out of that. It's a time that we need that more than any other time to really heal the world, to bring that unconditional mother love back into every thread of our society so that we can really heal. So that's. That's what happens. And by the time they're finished, they're feeling really confident. At least one gift they have the ability to hold circle at their home or online. If they wish, they can use those songs. And then there's some other fun bonus stuff, like if they, if they want to really ramp up their business and start making some money, I have a bonus class, like a 10K launch class, so that they can. They can start to really grow their, their financial wealth as well and their business. [00:37:23] Speaker A: I love that. That's awesome. So it sounds like you've put together a container to help women reconnect with who they truly are. Like, it's like, like you were saying, society has disconnected us from what makes us women, honestly, because every woman has intuition, a gift. I say it, I said this a lot where it's like, you know, if the womb has the capability of creating a human being, what else can it create? You know, anything. And so women, we have this natural portal within our bodies. Even if we don't have a uterus anymore or whatever, like that portal is still there because we're the, the conduit to bring new souls into this reality. And so that's why it's so much easier for the feminine to be able to heal. Because again, thinking about it, I mean, mind blowing. If we can build an entire human being womb creating cell to heal wounded parts of our own body or even sending that energy through ourselves into someone else, that is not a bizarre concept when you really think about it. [00:38:51] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:38:52] Speaker A: We have that ability. It's there, it's just learning how to reconnect with that power. And honestly, I think normalize it again. And I think that that is kind of where we are. People like you, people like me, where we're trying to normalize this again. I mean, that's the whole purpose of this podcast and why I'm interviewing all these amazing, powerful women. Because it's, it's not some bizarre far fetched thing. Normal. [00:39:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:25] Speaker A: Start recognizing that it's normal. And so I love that. It's like we've been living in this, I don't know, this realm of like just being completely detached from ourselves. And you want to journey women through remembering who they are and reigniting their abilities. [00:39:43] Speaker B: Yes. And I will even say it's vital. It's vital, you know, take it. I would take it. I'll take it up a notch from normal and say it's vital because our society is, it's falling apart because it's been based on, it's not built on unconditional love. It's not built on a mother's love. And a mother's love is all about healing and growth and continuation and openness and honesty and truth. And even people who, if you didn't have an, a good mother and you didn't get to experience that, if you tap into what it's like to mother your own inner child and heal yourself, you'll discover that for yourself. So it's so important that we experience this and when. And women have been attacked for so long, you know, they've been told not to follow their intuition. They've been told they've been kept away from education and you know, the medieval times and even past then they, they have been shamed for either being not beautiful enough or too beautiful. Their, their sexuality, their sensuality has been attacked. And all those things really are directly linked to our intuition and our truth. Like you said, we have been shamed for being who we are. We are literally walking spells, if you think about it. [00:40:49] Speaker A: Yeah, we're magic talk. [00:40:51] Speaker B: Exactly. Talk about the, you know, what happens in the system to create another life from something that you can't even see in Your hand, like it's a. You'd have to have a microscope to see that seed. And that creates a whole nother human. If that's not a magical right, I don't know it is. And so we've been shamed for that and told that and taken away from that. That is truth. So when you start to realign with that truth, what happens is your whole life changes. The relationships that you've been struggling in, you start to get clarity. Not only do you have clarity, but you have the strength to do what needs to be done to find your freedom. And I'll tell you from personal experience what's. One of the reasons I got sick is because I was stuck there for so long, my body started to break down. And so my cancer genes turned on and I started to heal when I got out of that situation. And so this really is a matter of life and death to a lot of women. There's a lot of women stuck in those patterns. They're stuck in jobs they don't want to be in. And when you start to have their relationships with their children didn't turn out the way they wanted because they're unhappy. So they can't. If they can't be in alignment with their truth, they can't really be in alignment with their child's truth. That creates disharmony. The relationships start to fall apart. So it really is the fabric of society that we're healing when we heal this. And when women realign with their truth, they start to get in line with this phenomenal abundance that's like miracles. Miracles of miracles. Money shows up where you. You had no idea it was going to show up. Job opportunities, career opportunities, interests and fulfillment that you'd never meet somebody like that. It really does. I see women's lives change on a daily basis and just like mine change. So it's really the most incredible work, and I'm so grateful that I get to do it. Yeah. [00:42:29] Speaker A: That is beautiful and amazing. It has been such an honor and privilege to get to chat with you. [00:42:36] Speaker B: You too. [00:42:37] Speaker A: I would love to have you send me over the link for people to learn more about your offer. We'll make sure that we put that in the description and in the show notes so people can find you and all your social media, all that kind of stuff so they can get out and get to know you and all that good stuff before we hop off. Okay, one last question for you. It's one that I like to ask everybody at the end because I feel like it's a concept that has gotten very confused, so I want to thank you. [00:43:05] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:06] Speaker A: Your perspective. What does success look like? [00:43:11] Speaker B: Oh, gosh, that's a fun one. Okay. Well, simply, success is inner peace. Right. Do I have a lot of aspirations about where I want to be financially and how I want to create generational wealth for my children? Absolutely. But to me, success is knowing that I am connected that connection to unconditional love and knowing that it's real and that I can go to it no matter what happens in my life. And then also my children knowing that, and as many people in my life as I can touch and help, knowing that, that is success. [00:43:40] Speaker A: I love that. So it's really about your inner being instead of your outer circumstances. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Yes. 100. Yeah. Because it dictates if you're. If you're in alignment, then everything else falls into place. [00:43:54] Speaker A: Wow. [00:43:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Yeah. I love it. Well, thank you so, so, so much. And we will see everyone on the next episode. [00:44:01] Speaker B: Thank you.

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